Orlando Oliveira
{K:587} 6/28/2005
great shot..good work here
kaanki kaanki
{K:-568} 6/18/2005
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 5/29/2005
Ah, Carsten, good catch! It is indeed the Canon Image stabilized lens with an equivalent zoom of 28 - 135mm, at its widest setting.
Thanks for the comments; I've corrected the About.
Carsten Ranke
{K:14476} 5/29/2005
Well seen ! Good idea the "blind shot" from the ground, the perspective makes the shot. Astonishing the lens you used, hard to imagine you get such DOF and perspective with the 100 mm lens (I woud have guessed a wide angle here). Regards; Carsten
Anunay Nayak
{K:2807} 5/28/2005
very good composition
Alessandra Frediani
{K:2445} 5/24/2005
Nice composition.... good idea! Alessandra
ps: thanks for comment my photo
Mark Julian
{K:36866} 5/13/2005
Wow, that's a tough one to get all that - but you did (I would just try to PS the bright light out on the left. I knew once I started getting into PS I'd become a PS monster). Really turned out nice. Good job, Mark
Masahiko Shibata
{K:14107} 5/13/2005
Beautiful night tulips!!Nice situation!!
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 5/12/2005
Thank you, arwa. I'm glad you've got Usefilm access again, and I'm even happier that you are now on the way to getting better. A keen eye requires good health. ;)
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 5/12/2005
Is that a GOOD thing or a BAD thing? ;)
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 5/12/2005
Actually, Bruce, I was shooting blind. The camera was down at my knees poining up toward my targets. I took this one shot, then moved on.
arwa abdullah
{K:34415} 5/12/2005
Paul the contrasted beauty is excellent! Softness VS starkness Man made VS nature good instincts on the composition!! Well done :) 7/7
Daniel Silva
{K:2512} 5/12/2005
original view. nice photo. congrats. -dan
Subhash Sen
{K:11931} 5/12/2005
Wonderful composition,cheers,subhash.
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 5/12/2005
actually, I was kneeling down, and when I said it was a 'blind shot' I meant I framed without looking through the viewfinder (since the 20D cannot show your shot on LCD until after it's taken).
Jim Budrakey
{K:24393} 5/12/2005
I like your composition and the angle of this shot. You must have been lying on your belly to take this (been there, done that :-) Great shot.
Bruce Crawford
{K:690} 5/12/2005
Good one Paul. I like the composition though its a shame the stems are cut off (but I see the bright light at the edge of the image which is probably why you did it).
{K:9563} 5/12/2005
ooo! it's yours :)
{K:9563} 5/12/2005
good idea, nice composition