Ivan Di Pietro
{K:1229} 3/9/2006
GREAT shot and great BW! (7)
Nicolas Iordănescu
{K:3193} 1/25/2006
FILM NOIR!!! Great execution. I love the light on the face. You really placed it in the best possible place. Nikko
Alper Tecer
{K:7007} 6/8/2005
The light is highly succesful in outlining the theme. Mysterious athmosphere you got here. Regards. Alper.
Kadir Erten &kadoo
{K:2757} 6/7/2005
acilinca masanin ortasina dusmus gibiyim,tebrikler,selamlarımla
Karadag Metin
{K:2939} 5/26/2005
isik teknigi ustaca,basarilar selamlar.
Kostas Tzanetos
{K:22012} 5/17/2005
the composition is great as is the lighting. black and white was the right choice for this shot ;-) be happy Ayse!
blagoy toprakidis
{K:54} 5/17/2005
sevdim bu fotografi kompozisyon ve isik guzel eline saglik
Hakan M
{K:2145} 5/17/2005
O kadar basarili ki sanki eski bir film karesinden alinmis gibi duruyor... Detaylar harika! Ellerine saglik Ayse... Selamlar...
Paolo De Maio
{K:34932} 5/17/2005
Great mood and great atmosphere..i like it so much!!!! I used Ilford 3200 long time ago and the grain was very impressive... but for that reason I made dance stage shots unbelievable.... Thank you for your kind comment to mine Ayse I apperciated it a lot! Paolo
{K:2431} 5/16/2005
Siyah Beyaz filim karesi sanki. Kutlarim.
MErt Y
{K:1984} 5/16/2005
Gercekten de cok guzel bir fotograf olmus...
Insanda kaybedecegim gerginligi yaratiyor...
Ayşe Sanem Çolak
{K:4516} 5/16/2005
hahaa o agir abileri kendim yarattim Onur. oturttum masaya oynayin ben de cekicem dedim!!
Onur Özbakan
{K:16763} 5/16/2005
ortamin havasi, gerginligi, konsantrasyonu bu kadar hissettirilir karede Ayse bravo, agir abilerle yakinlik varsa bilelim surc-i lisan etmeyelim, kelleyi tehlikeye atmayalim :) saka bir yana her zamanki gibi ve tebrikler!
pan g.
{K:16899} 5/16/2005
After the "Tramp Lady" another underground scene that could have easily been taken from a Hollywood movie :)