I have a close relationship to a Clinical Psychologist through marrage. I think I'll have to pass on the offer since I can't keep up with current material at home. Thanks for the kind offer.
This is our first, but hopefuly not last meeting on the pages of "Usefilm, Mr. Kanemoto. I read your bio, which told me that like me you are hooked to photography. Like you I started it at a much youger age, long before didital cameras were invented. I also looked at your entire portfolio. The latter was not too difficulat, because there were only one page and yet difficult, because your photos are good, showing a sense for the use of light, which is the essence of photography and a sense for the lighter side, which is expressed in your "Forks" photos. Beside being excellen, well composed macros, I think that there is a hint of humor in them. I opted to comment on this photo because beside being well composed, it is a relatively simple photo and simplicity, I've been told more than once, is one of the secrets of beauty in art. I suspect another one to be precision. You are, of course, invited to read my bio and pay further visits to my portfolio. When you read my bio, you will see that I am a psychoanalyst. I have written a psychoanalytic book called "Dialogues with Schizophrenia - the Art of Psychotherepy." You can see in on www.drspringmann.com The issues to pay attention to on that site are Dr. Joyce Mc Dougall's preface (she is a leading figure in the psychoanalytic community) and the story of Adam, the first schizophrenic patient whose psychotherapy is described in the book. In case you would like to read the book, all you have to do is send an e mail with "Usefilm, your book" in the subject line to rafael1930@bezeqint.net and I will be glad to send you the book (1.02 MB) at no cost to you. Despite its name, the book was written with the interested non Mental-health professional also in mind. Several "Usefilm" members have received the book from me in that manner and so far there have been no complaints. Thank you for your very generous comment on my "From the field 1." Best regards, Dr. Rafael (Rafi for future communications) Springmann