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Ashness Bridge
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Image Title:  Ashness Bridge
Favorites: 6 
 By: Barry Wakelin  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  Barry Wakelin {Karma:7838}
Project #20 Classic Landscape Camera Model Mamiya 7II
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio Lake District
Lens Mamiya 50 f/4.5
Uploaded 6/9/2005 Film / Memory Type Fuji  Velvia RVP
    ISO / Film Speed 50
Views 1432 Shutter 15s
Favorites Aperture f/22
Critiques 40 Rating
/ 22 Ratings
Location City - 
Country - United Kingdom   United Kingdom
About This is the lovely Ashness Bridge in the English Lake District. The bridge has been photographed by generations of photographers but this is my first attempt. I arrived early, about an hour and a half before sunset and was glad that I did as soon after I got set up with my tripod stood in the middle of the stream, a queue of photographers formed, waiting to get a shot of the sunset. I stood in the stream for an hour being eaten alive by midges and took ten exposures as the sun got progressively lower in the sky. This was the last shot and the light on Skiddaw, the mountain in the distance was quite beautiful. I used a polariser to reduce the reflections on the water and 5 stops of soft ND grads to balance the bright sky with the shaded bridge.
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There are 40 Comments in 1 Pages
luis pereira luis pereira   {K:26013} 7/22/2005
I wish I had taken photograph but I would be happy just being there.


Sam Andre Sam Andre   {K:12484} 6/13/2005
Unique image with rich, saturated colours and great eye for compositional values


Ciprian Ilie   {K:13571} 6/13/2005
Fabulous shot, well worth the effort I think; love your portfolio, it's really professional!



Patrick Di Fruscia Patrick Di Fruscia   {K:486} 6/12/2005
Incredible shot Barry...very well done


Sherry Goldwasser   {K:25} 6/12/2005
Absolutely breathtaking!


Danny Brannigan   {K:19523} 6/11/2005
Tremendous effort Barry. It was worth the hassel but of course it was your skill which produced such a wonderful image.


Marcos Benedicto   {K:1100} 6/11/2005
Excellent!! 7/7


brian clark   {K:446} 6/11/2005
Barry, this is an excellant Landscape shot with all the ellements in the right place, the exposure and lighting are spot on and I am please that you chose a slow shutter speed, as this has given the water a very pleasing effect


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 6/11/2005
Superb. Can't be improved.



patrizio napolitano   {K:13119} 6/11/2005
complimenti, grande qualità pittorica, veramente bella


György Szönyi György Szönyi   {K:10011} 6/11/2005
Beautiful landscape with a stunning perspective. COngrats!


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 6/11/2005
congrats for the featired comment


FERDINAND DOTREMONT   {K:6612} 6/11/2005
Wunderful shot. Excellent colours and composition.


Quix Photography Quix Photography   {K:20204} 6/11/2005
Perfect. Beautiful. The colours are so rich & the slow shutter speed has really added a dreamy quality to this shot.... truly profesional... your patience paid off.

Sue xx


Scott Marceau   {K:126} 6/11/2005
simply amazing.


Q Zhang   {K:3946} 6/11/2005
Wow!! This is a truly stunning image!! I just arrived home from a 41 day trip across Canada. Along the way I tried again and again to take images such as this. I fully appreciate your hardwork. Thanks for giving me something to aspire to. Well done !!


Giorgio Goretti   {K:15471} 6/10/2005
Wonderful composition and light
you defitenely made the image look magical,
congrats Barry.


hurvajs hurvajs   {K:240} 6/10/2005


Nicole Marcisz Nicole Marcisz   {K:10268} 6/10/2005
holy cow what an excellent range of light you've captured.


Kunal Mehta   {K:2496} 6/10/2005
Very nice composition and colors.


Andy Radford   {K:680} 6/10/2005
Hi again, I've just visited your website and I have to say your work is outstanding. You do the British countryside justice.


Barry Wakelin   {K:7838} 6/10/2005
Andy, nice to meet a fellow lover of The Lakes. I didn't take any shots from the crag as I used up all of the daylight getting this shot but my wife and daughter took a few shots from there with there digicams. Unfortunately without ND grads the shots are little more than silhouettes. Sorry you lost your shots to a virus and I hope you have better luck this time. Try to get up for a dawn - it's horribly early but the atmosphere is unmatched!


Andy Radford   {K:680} 6/10/2005
Imageopolis Featured Photo Critique Ahhh! Ashness Bridge - wonderful, atmospheric shot. Derwent Water and Borrowdale are my favourite parts of the Lake District. Did you take some landscapes from the crag overlooking the lake? The crag is a few minutes walk from the car park at Ashness Bridge. I got some great shots from there last winter, but lost them due to a virus on my PC. I'm going back at the end of this month.


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 6/10/2005



Galal El Missary   {K:84569} 6/10/2005
Wonderful place , Excellent shot , very well done .



Marusnik Bela   {K:11611} 6/10/2005
Wonderful work, it looks like a painting...
Outstanding photo!Congrats!


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 6/10/2005
Wow! I'd love to see a large-sized print of this, Barry!
Really beautiful composition and colours.
Kind regards, Chris


Michael Kanemoto Michael Kanemoto   {K:22115} 6/10/2005
Lovely piece of work - lighting, depth, veiling, the real combination and wonderful outcome.

Thanks for the in-depth write up for those blokes who always ask - "how'd ya do that anyhows?"

Bit of a curve to the graduation, but keeps with the style of the wide angle - don't take guff on any vinetting comments. I like it.

1/3 foreground, 1/3 subject, 1/3rd sky with thoughtful placement and composition (for anyone playing at home, you may want to add to favorites)


Angelo Villaschi Angelo Villaschi   {K:49617} 6/9/2005
Wonderful stuff, Barry. I have seen my fair share of photos of this bridge, and they are all interesting. This one's excellent too. You got great light and used it very well.

I guess those photographers will have to try again some other day... :)


Alessandro Raso   {K:2239} 6/9/2005
ottima immagine!!!!
la composizione e il colore sono perfetti!!



David Hofmann   {K:22223} 6/9/2005
phantastic job! Those colors are magic.


Margaret Sturgess   {K:49403} 6/9/2005
It is really surreal - wonderful colours and textures


ventrix drogo ventrix drogo   {K:65398} 6/9/2005
Great shot, mood. I like it, good colors and composition.




Csaba Szekely   {K:181} 6/9/2005
Good work!


greg collins   {K:12273} 6/9/2005
Stunning photo. The water looks like it melts over the rock. Can see why it's so popular.
Regards greg


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 6/9/2005
wonxderful light and impressive paradise place!
also the great water effect!
well done, my best wishes..


Zannoni Matteo   {K:12211} 6/9/2005
ottima luce e bellissimo luogo,

PAce esalute, M.


Shane O'Neill   {K:3054} 6/9/2005
Barry - I am giving you a seven for effort alone! Also I will give you a plus because I too was recently eaten alive by midges and know all too well the misery it brings! Like the exposure - the nd's did their job, I must invest in a set of these myself ..


Gareth Papworth   {K:-69} 6/9/2005


Gabriele Bullita Gabriele Bullita   {K:1235} 6/9/2005
Excellent shot! Wonderful landscape and colours.
Great composition, my regards. Bye gabriele




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