Somewhere half way through the day at the Ramona (Props and Rods) Airshow I bumped the set button on my 20D and turned the dial 3 clicks...which I happen to have set as my b/w parameter. All was not lost as most of the shots that I took in b/w were of the Drag Race portion of the show...most of the cars were from the 50s and 60s so they actually worked.
Here Miss Props and Rods was glancing over at the guys on the starting line.
+ Kenko Teleplus Pro 300 DG 1.4x TC, In Camera b/w, 1/800sec f/5.6, ISO-200 @ 280mm (~448mm)
Thanks Paul...dude I just went back to view your profile and that is so cool that you won the cam...that is one badazz camera isn't it. You know right from the first shots you download that it's going to be a lasting relationship. We could get good pics from p&sers but its a whole lot easier when a cam works as hard as the 20D. Have fun...
I'll most likely be flipping my numbers over for the second time when I go out and shot this weekend.