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Insect In Water I
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Image Title:  Insect In Water I
Favorites: 0 
 By: Eric Peterson  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  Eric Peterson {Karma:4419}
Project #43 Unusual Vision Camera Model Nikon D70
Categories Macro
Film Format
Portfolio Macro/Close Up
Lens Sigma 180mm f/5.6 Macro w/ Nikon PK-12 extension tube
Uploaded 7/2/2005 Film / Memory Type ISO 200
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1794 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/8.0
Critiques 25 Rating
/ 6 Ratings
Location City - 
State -  NEW YORK
Country - United States   United States
About A series of insects trapped in a pool.
Shutter Speed 1/400 sec
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There are 25 Comments in 1 Pages
Jon Rank   {K:683} 5/31/2012
Nice shot - I like the high lights - very well done.
As for the first comment - Some just can't understand nature happens.


Barbara Socor   {K:13559} 12/18/2008
I think the photo is just fine....I also like the color contrast presented. I think the first post demonstrates a rather childish view of things. I find it very silly and ethically challenged to draw any kind of equivalence, moral or otherwise, between a drowning moth and a drowning human....yes, well, you might have tried mouth to mouth afterall!!


Kerry Nobbs Kerry Nobbs   {K:2800} 4/16/2007
I like the shot. Good shot. It is nature no matter how gruesome it can get. Documenting it is never wrong...Kerry


Jorwyn Cu'Odan   {K:280} 12/5/2005
And on a COMPLETELY irreverant note. I hope the moth died! I'm sensitive to strong smells, so I can't use mothballs or cedar and still breathe. Those "cute little moths" eat my winter wardrobe every year! Hah!
I love the shot. The blue offsets the beautiful yellow of the moth quite well. I love the light reflections around the wings. Wow. This is an awesome shot that deserves to be applauded.
(And it's not worse than the bug collection I had as a child. I gassed them with fingernail polish remover!)


Wez   Wez     {K:14339} 11/17/2005
Peter, what an absolute clowns comment.

Eric, wonderful shot. I love the starbursts of light reflecting.



Chuck Freeman   {K:13616} 10/25/2005
This guy obviously puts more importance on a fly or butterfly or a human life. Political Correctness at it's lowest ebb. Pay no attention to this person. Ouestion? Is it "correct" to photograph a dead person if asked. He would probably say yes, but not a butterfly!!! Is my attached image ethical?


Small Child's Grave

Roxanne    {K:174} 10/10/2005
photographs, art, and the written word are supposed to make us feel something be it good or bad. I think I would be more offended If my work did not make a person feel anything at all. Some of the most powerful photographs in history were taken of people going through horrific experiences (war ect) and we know of their hardships because of these images. I personally like your photo I find it magical. The brink of death is mysterious and should inspire.


Heather Worcester   {K:160} 9/18/2005
Personally I find this a beautiful picture. I read the comments on it. Doesn't PH watch documentaries? I have seen documentaries where a lion kills all of the cubs of the pride he just took over. This was captured on film, yet the people that taped it didn't do anything to stop it. Was that wrong? I find that a big part of nature documentation is leaving things the way you find them. There is a natural selection to life and humans have interfered with it enough. And if people want to be upset about a moth dieing, maybe they should attack the companies that make bug lights...they are the biggest killers of bugs. lol.


Eric Peterson   {K:4419} 8/4/2005
Thank you. I prefer to not use a tripod if I can get away with it, and I think this is one of my better successes handheld.


Alberto Cabello   {K:58} 7/29/2005
DOF is outstanding (would be the same if were on tripod, handheld is almost unbelievable) and complementary colours are striking.

If somebody feels guilty for taking a such picture, the wildlife cameramen working for National Geographic should be unable to sleep for many years.


Marilyn Nagy   {K:6008} 7/24/2005
Eric, Amazing shot. Forget that comment. It is a brilliant macro to capture the sparkles on that amazingly blue water. Very well captured. Marilyn


Eric Peterson   {K:4419} 7/15/2005
Thanks Bill.


William Stratton   {K:43} 7/14/2005
Cool shot! Life happens, don't let it get you down. Bill


Eric Peterson   {K:4419} 7/7/2005
Thank you. I don't think I can accept the compliment about brilliance, but I do agree with you that the colors are definitely visually arresting and were what drew my attention to the scene in the first place.


Eric Peterson   {K:4419} 7/7/2005
Thanks for the comment. Your mention of an MG Midget reminds me that I need some new shots of my MGB as soon as I get some nicer weather around here...


Nadia Stanke Nadia Stanke   {K:5318} 7/6/2005
I need to comment on the brilliance of this picture, whatever I may feel about the issues raised by the first post - it is a most beautiful image (the colours esp. and the textures) made all the more intriguing by the fact the moth is trapped and that in this bright, sunny scene it may have already been on the brink of death. I won't forget this photograph.



Carol Cefalu   {K:8388} 7/6/2005
Omg.. If all he has to do is tear into you for photographing an insect in your pool..obviously he is an angry person and just looking for someone to lash out on.. It's a great shot I think that you captured in a spare of a moment..thats great and I see nothing wrong with it!..
You should listen to the commentor who said not to give in to his comment by even responding!



Chuck Freeman   {K:13616} 7/5/2005
Nice photo and overlook the rather silly comment made. There are animal rights "people" that would let you drown to "keep" population under control. For get this non sense type comment and upload something really unethical.
Like this midget MG that "claimed" two lives.


Toshi  Toshi    {K:11924} 7/4/2005
Very nice shot! I love the DOF and excellent detail for a handheld shot.


Eric Peterson   {K:4419} 7/4/2005
Thanks for taking a look and commenting.


Angelo Villaschi Angelo Villaschi   {K:49617} 7/4/2005
Hey Eric,

In addition to what I already said in the forum thread that you started in the Donor only forum, I would say that what may relieve the entire thing is if that moth was already dead when you photographed it, rather than in the process of dying.


Nina P   {K:68} 7/3/2005
Great shot...I think PH needs to relax a bit on the bugs drowning in a pool comment...


sonny saenz sonny saenz   {K:2423} 7/3/2005
great macro shot, clarity is pretty good.colors are outstanding.nothing wrong with this shot..everyone has a right to say what they feel .I wouldn't fret to much and what could you do give it mouth to's just silly..everyday moths smash into the front of my car , i'm not going to stop driving..


Eric Peterson   {K:4419} 7/3/2005
I wasn't sure whether to bother responding to this rather rude post, but why not?
First, the butterfly was removed and may or may not have survived. The horsefly and hornet were left to drown. They are nuisance insects and there are more than enough of them around here. I will not shed a tear no matter how many drown in the pool.
Second, I did not place them in the pool for the sake of a picture nor did my actions cause them any additional harm.
Third, I found the uncluttered blue background to be quite esthetic and a nice contrast to the insects' coloration, worthy of a photograph.
Since I had my camera and macro lens with me photographing other subjects in the immediate vicinity of the pool I see absolutely no problem with taking advantage of a situation that presented itself. If you do, perhaps you could state your case rather than flinging gratuitous insults. I've spent more time on this comment than it deserves and will move on now unless you care to state a reasonable case against these images without the emotionally charged insults.


Peter Houtmeyers   {K:3519} 7/2/2005
Wow ......insects trapped in a pool and drowning, you must have been very proud the moment you took these photo's!!!!???? Just let me know when you are drowning....i will come and take a few photo's for fun!!!!!




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