Eleisa Martin
{K:2569} 10/7/2005
This is a really cool picture Robert. I love the colors and contrast.
Very nice work!
Chris Hunter
{K:25634} 9/24/2005
Nice work!!! This silhouette i nicely framed nad exposed. The sea and nautical images are close to me,
Cheers, Chris
N3ma Allah Hisham
{K:5465} 9/5/2005
good shot..light...tones..contrast r amazing ..well done
Danny Brannigan
{K:19523} 8/29/2005
When th part is better than the whole. great pic. love it.
Robert Stokes
{K:4509} 8/21/2005
Thanks Hugo for the comments. The black line in the upper right corner (part of the boat) has been taken care of with a little crop. Funny how we sometimes miss such obvious problems in our own images.
As for the DOF, I had to use a pretty fast shutter speed since the boat was bobbing up and down pretty good. The trick was catching a well focused, well exposed shot with the flags blowing just right. It only took about 130 shots to get one I liked.
Thanks again for the comment.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 8/21/2005
Hi Robert, The translucency of both the navigation light and through the flags make this image tick. Also, the diagonal composition of the main rig works well. The line in the top right corner is a bit distracting, though. The choice fo the shallow DOF, only hinting at the clouds in the sky would initially not be my solution, but I think it works better than with a wider DOF. Good shot, interesting capture.
Brian Rueger
{K:7341} 7/9/2005
Great shot Robert. I like the composition. I think the bar on the upper right is a little distracting. I would have cropped it out.
Antonio Trincone
{K:23167} 7/8/2005
nice silhouette work, just right for project 51
Raymond Pardede
{K:15} 7/8/2005
Brilliant composition. I like the silhouette, the color and its saturation.
{K:269} 7/8/2005
Great photo love it