Bosnia Photo
{K:3088} 9/20/2005
Excellent. 7/7
Regards, Mevludin
Kevin Collier
{K:19076} 8/21/2005
Exceelnt image - the tones are perect for the subject - great minimal compo- K
Trish McCoy
{K:15897} 8/18/2005
clever title and love the worn look here.
Tyler Robbins
{K:904} 8/17/2005
Thanks, I loved shooting this series, i can't wait to get back to using film this fall. I have been without a darkroom, so my digital has been seeing a lot of use. New semester, new directions.
Judy Bodden
{K:1694} 8/17/2005
This is a wonderful photo. Love the tones! Great job.
Ana Stojanovic
{K:499} 8/17/2005
composizione buona... la scelta del colore anche.. forse c'era solo bisogno di un constrato maggiore.. ma va bene lo stesso.. non si capisce bene il pavimento.. comunque.. buon lavoro!
Hasan Ozkapici
{K:551} 8/17/2005
Nice composition..Well Done!
Richard Thornton
{K:26442} 8/17/2005
A chair of great antiqity or just a run of bad luck, but the idea is presented most powerfully. The toning and contrast suggest an old-time photograph and contributes some charm to the image. The straight ahead, no nonsense viewpoint goes well with the theme.