Bryan, I was not really thinking when I took this shot, but you are right re the sharpness. Having just hiked to this point with camera, 2 lenses and a water carrier I don't think my heart rate would have slowed down enough for me to think about MF.
I think this was shot in P mode, somewhat blindly but I find the result appealing. I might see if I can synthetically sharpen things. Nevertheless, this is really more of a "we were there" shot than any attempt at composition or art.
Thanks for the comment, hopefully will have a chance to do some proper shooting this weekend as a buddy wants to put his new 350D through its paces
A good portrait, Huw. You may considder trying to get the focus better on her face - these cameras autofocus needs to be used carfully (this lens has normally got awesome sharpness) - they sometimes do their own things...