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Moody Red
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Image Title:  Moody Red
Favorites: 2 
 By: Emgy Massidda  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Emgy Massidda  Emgy Massidda {Karma:60358}
Project #15 Personal Style Camera Model Canon 300D
Categories Abstracts
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Canon  28-135 mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM
Uploaded 9/20/2005 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed 16
Views 1492 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 103 Rating
/ 32 Ratings
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About Part of an old red car
Grazie Roberto!
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There are 103 Comments in 1 Pages
João F * Photography João F * Photography   {K:41945} 8/25/2009
Supperb composition i love the tones Emgy.


Dan   TDFoto Dan  TDFoto   {K:8618} 4/28/2009
I think you have captured a small piece of the cars soul :)


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 11/7/2006
Thank you, so much, Massimo. You're very kind.
Yes, you're right. I have Sardinian origines...:))) Sardinia is a wonderful island.
Does Carbonia say anything to you?
Tanti cari saluti - Emgy


Massimo C.   {K:1073} 11/6/2006
You portfolio is impressive!
I tell u "great work" for this cause I can't tell u the same on (almost) all the photos.

U should have sardinian origins... don't u?


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 10/30/2006
Thank you, Barry


Barry Wakelin   {K:7838} 10/29/2006
A really nice series of colourful abstracts. I love this one as it's so unclear what it is and the colours and textures are wonderful.


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 10/11/2006
Thank you!


Ron Wilson Ron Wilson   {K:18362} 10/11/2006
I can feel the texure. Great light, well done.


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 10/10/2006
Thank you Marjan


marjan hasoumi   {K:242} 10/10/2006
hi dear emgy, the color of this shot and that's tone is so good. the contrast between dark and light are caused that we see a live composition.


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 10/7/2006



Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 10/4/2006
Grazie, Gabry
Bacioni a te a i bambini


Gabriella Carta Gabriella Carta   {K:22879} 10/3/2006
vista la forma poteva essere o l'una o l'altra cosa ehehhehheh. Bacioni e... ben tornata


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 10/3/2006
E' parte di uno sportello (Alfa Romeo)


Gabriella Carta Gabriella Carta   {K:22879} 10/3/2006
magnifica per colori, cos'è?
una fisarmonica o uno sportello?? eheheh sono curiosa


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 9/25/2006
marvelous reds!!!!!!! a fine image dear Emgy!!!!! very well done
all the best


Clifton Jones Clifton Jones   {K:10688} 9/23/2006
Stunning color....delightful abstract.........


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 9/23/2006
BTW, I forgot to say that I am hoping to publish my site soon. Still working on it and it's taking a lot more time than I had expected.
I'll add the link to it in my UF bio when it's ready. Hope you will find there more pics that you like
Cheers - Emgy


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 9/23/2006
Your site is very interesting and quite intertaining. I can say that even if I only have had the time to give a quick look at it. I'm impressed!
I'll go back to it as soon as I can spare some more time and it would be very nice to see some of my imagere there.
Thanks for your interest and your kind words
My best regards


Rashed Abdulla Rashed Abdulla   {K:163889} 9/23/2006
Another wonderful and very creative Abstracts with very impressive lighting, composition, sharpness and very colorful.

My site is not as large as the UF but I do plan to add a forum to the present server, chat channels and community boards.

I will love to see some of your images there.

Wishing you all of the best my friend


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 7/2/2006
Soon, Avi.
Thanks for reminding me


Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 7/2/2006
No new ones, dear Emgy ??



Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 5/5/2006
great texture. marvelous composition.


Irenka Daniluk Irenka Daniluk   {K:8011} 3/12/2006
Beautiful colour and water-like texture. I was for a moment hesitant between water and metal!


João F * Photography João F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/6/2006
Yessss great detail and so nice abstract shot... I realy like it!!!
regards dear Emgy!


******** ********   {K:1948} 1/28/2006
I love the metallic colour, a great abstract.
You have a lovely portfolio, a magic and colourful world,


Kambiz K Kambiz K   {K:37420} 1/24/2006
a very lovely sexy coloured abstract. it is like most of my abstracts


James Philip Pegg James Philip Pegg   {K:10138} 12/31/2005
Wonderful photo, I hope to see more of your art in 2006. Another new year begins and I want to wish you and yours all the best it can bring. Health, Happiness and Peace

Warmly, James


James Philip Pegg James Philip Pegg   {K:10138} 12/19/2005
Hello my friend,
I know that you must be a very busy person, but I just wanted to thank you for the many times that you have stopped by my art site, and have encourage me with my art/ photography with your words. As we move into 2006 may each day of it bring all the love & friendship your life needs.

All my best, James


Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 11/25/2005
Beautiful reds dear Emgy and wonderful angles! Red is one of my favorite colors and definitely reflective of moods, this is really pretty, would never have thought it a part of a car, very well captured, hugs!


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 11/24/2005
Wowwwwwwww, thank you again Rashed!


Rashed Abdulla Rashed Abdulla   {K:163889} 11/24/2005
Perfect abstract ,wonderful colors and lighting ,this is what the real photography is ,very best regards my friend..


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 11/17/2005
Grazie tante, caro Orazio.


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 11/17/2005
Thank you, Jan


Orazio Minnella Orazio Minnella   {K:49417} 11/16/2005
Splendido lavoro d'astrattismo.Ottimi i colori ed il tuo stile creativo e personale.


Jan Symank Jan Symank   {K:22030} 11/15/2005
Beautiful candy red, raspberry type ( Italian car ? )
The lines and reflections inside are very well composed by you
Bravo and regards


Yutaka Itinose Yutaka Itinose   {K:22586} 11/12/2005
Hi my Emgy,missed so long sorry,very passionate beauty as usual,so nice and elegant.Tjanks.


Malak Rashad   {K:643} 11/11/2005
this is a hiiiiighly creative take.. the colours are fabulous! into mt favourites!
and also thanks for your comment, i really appreciate it


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 11/5/2005
Thank you Rafael!


Nando Mondino   {K:14261} 11/5/2005
Fantastic abstract my dear.


Burak Tanriover Burak Tanriover   {K:16610} 11/5/2005
Hello Emgy,
I don't know how I missed this picture but in the 20th of september we were in holiday.
this is a very beautiful abstract combined with beautiful colors.they match very well.
I like also the composition of them.
very beautiful work.
All the best.


Dr. Rafael Springmann Dr. Rafael Springmann   {K:89517} 11/4/2005
Dear Emgy,
A little bird told me that you had your birthday not too long ago, so despite being somewhat late, I want to tell you "Happy Birthday."
If you want to, I can send you some short (2-3 pages) stories Rachel, my wife wrote and I translated from Hebrew. They pertain to Rachel's stay between ages 3 and 8 in a British detention camp on Mauritius. They are part of a book, called "Sweet Lemons", adopted and published by our National Institute and Museum for the Study of the Jewish Holocaust in Europe to be taught in our schools. Some of the stories are funny and some are sad. In case you would like to read them (a birthday present), please send an e mail to
with "Usefilm, Rachel's stories" in the subject line and I'll send you 6 stories, (all I translated so far.)
Best regards,


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 10/31/2005
BUON HALLOWEEN.. mia cara emgy.. spero tu stia bene!!!

a presto..
un abbraccio


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 10/30/2005
Caro Massimo. Grazie per esserti ricordato di me.
Anch'io tempo per UF ne ho avuto poco negli ultimi mesi. Ogni tanto, pero'mi faccio vedere sia con qualche commento, che con una nuova foto. Spero che tu stia bene. A presto
Un abbraccio - Emgy


Massimo Di Maggio Massimo Di Maggio   {K:-53658} 10/30/2005
Questa è la tua specialità, trovare immagini accattivanti in luoghi od oggetti che per altri, me compreso, passerebbero inosservati! Bellissime queste sfumature di colore. Scusami se ti rispondo con tanto ritardo, ma non ho quasi più tempo per UF, a parte guardare le foto recenti, a malapena riesco a postare... Credevo di averti ancora nella FL (ogni tanto metto, tolgo, metto, tolgo e poi mi dimentico ;) ), adesso rimedio. Ciao, un abbraccio. Max


Jani Salvataggio   {K:27283} 10/27/2005
Fantastic abstract!!! I like very much this colours!



Riny  Koopman   {K:19998} 10/21/2005
Thanks John!
I'm glad you commented on this one. It brought my attention to your portfolio. I've just commented on a few of your pics. Your work is very inspiring and I would have liked to see more of it but it will have to be some other time cause UF is so awfully slow tonight that it's really annoying.
Best regards - Emgy


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 10/21/2005
What an eye you have to pick a detail like this. The colours are striking.


giovanni guido marchi giovanni guido marchi   {K:27040} 10/21/2005
hai veramente un ottimo stile personale!!!!!!!


Mark Julian Mark Julian   {K:36866} 10/17/2005
Dear Emgy, thank you very much for your very positive comments on my work. Obviously you are one of the top photographers on UF but you get so many comments I've just looked at your work so far.Anyway I thought I'd pick out a few of my recent favorites of yours to comment. I love this one because your composition is perfect and the great color and lines make it a beautiful abstract work. Very nice job indeed, Mark


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 10/12/2005
Tremendous abstract - real abstract, too! Just enough reflection to be a photograph... and not be confused with a painting. Fantastic! 7/7 Ina


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 10/7/2005
Thank You, Saaed.
Your comments are always very appreciated


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 10/7/2005
Beautiful colour and selection, texture and composition of excellent choice. Saeed


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 10/5/2005
Heel erg bedankt, Rene!!!


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 10/5/2005
Thank you so much, Margaret.


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 10/5/2005
Thank you,Ozjan.
No, it's not my car, it's a friend's. Mine is metallic grey, a less gorgeous colour but.... its a better car.........:}}}


Rene Brugman   {K:7556} 10/5/2005
Hoi Emgy
Wat een verrassing om te zien dat je weer een foto had geupload
En wat heb je weer een mooi abstract neergezet.
de lijnen en de kleur rood.....geweldig
Groetjes Rene


Margaret Sturgess   {K:49403} 10/4/2005
Lovely colours and shapes Emgy, very vibrant


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 10/3/2005
Beautiful abstract Emgy,the lighting and compositionn are awesome
Great work
Many thanks for nice comment on "Leading to the sea"
Best regards


Ozjan Yeshar Ozjan Yeshar   {K:15239} 10/2/2005
Very creative abstract shot! Is it your car door from a tilted angle? Cheers.


donato r. donato r.   {K:16361} 9/28/2005
very very nice!
ciao donato


Ahmet Baki Kocaballi   {K:13618} 9/26/2005
very good abstract detail work


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 9/26/2005
Hi Jeff
I'm doing fine, thank you.
Sorry to hear about your car accident. I hope you physio therapy is helping and you're soon completely recovered.
Best regards - Emgy


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 9/26/2005
Great to see you here again. Thank you!


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 9/26/2005
Thank you Mary


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 9/26/2005


Jeff Cartwright   {K:52046} 9/26/2005
Emgy..emgy..."My Mystic Lady"....Moody Red...Good Abstract...Presentation!!!
Best Regards:

How are you...Emgy!...Have you Recovered...Form the Auto...Acccident....Hope so!....We had a Backender....from an Unisured Driver...Which Totalled our Buick...Aug 2004!..Still Having Physio therapy..!
Thank you..Emgy!...for your Recent Visits...and Nice comments...Jeff.


Bill Morgenstern Bill Morgenstern   {K:7157} 9/26/2005
PERFECT in every way! Love the comp and rich colors.



Mary Brown   {K:71879} 9/25/2005
You do have such a way with lines and colours. This is a gorgeous composition. I really like the different shades and how they are playing with the light.


PK- Photos PK- Photos   {K:13099} 9/25/2005
very creative idea for this abstract shot!!!

looks also like a painting:)

best regards, Pia


Dr. Rafael Springmann Dr. Rafael Springmann   {K:89517} 9/23/2005
Whenerver you post a new photo, dera Emgy, which, unfortunately, does no happen often enough IMHO, it's a celebration for me, this one included. Whith an ostensivly simple, almost monochromatic composition you express so much.
Thank you for your very kind comments on my "Fall, green and brown."
Personally I like the brown version better.
Best reragds,


Riny  Koopman   {K:19998} 9/22/2005
Artistic Emgy, I like it simly yet wonderful, very well done (Wat fijn dat je weer terug bent op use)



Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 9/22/2005
Thank you Antonio. Yes it's rather grainy but it is just one of the thing I like in this photo. I can imagine that others find it less attractive, though
Regards - Emgy


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 9/22/2005
Thanks Brad.
Great to hear from you again


Bradley Prue Bradley Prue   {K:30678} 9/22/2005
The old car has assumed the life of a leopard, and found a new shine! Wonderful spots, killer lines, strong angles. You have always had such instinct for using color boldly, and lines, brilliantly. Miss your genius... ..Brad


Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 9/21/2005
What a beautiful colors and tones! Very stirring work dear Emgy! Lovely abstract composition! Well done! 7+++
My best regards!


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 9/21/2005
great work.. simple yet perfect.. love the abstract look.. excellent...


jude .   {K:14625} 9/21/2005
Very nice abstract, Emgy...well done!


Antonio Trincone   {K:23167} 9/21/2005
your great abstracting eye at work here; I see also a good job of colors just at your service. May be it is a great crop (do not know, but it appears to be very grainy), or poor light conditions


. .   {K:16329} 9/21/2005
nice light.......... love the finished look


NN  NN     {K:26787} 9/21/2005
Great to see you uploading again, Emgy! This is just gorgeous; great lines and colours; bold and beautiful!


Ciprian Ilie   {K:13571} 9/21/2005
Very good abstract, like the red.



Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 9/21/2005
Great comment, Len
Thank you so much!!!!


Len Webster Len Webster   {K:25714} 9/21/2005
Beyond the colour, the mystery of the reflection..and the interesting angle. Great shot.


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 9/21/2005
Grazie Enrico!!!


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 9/21/2005
Great to hear from you again. You always put a smile in my face. Thank you so much


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 9/21/2005


B:)liana    {K:30945} 9/21/2005
oh, WELCOME BACK dear Emgy!!!!

I missed YOU and your work so oooooo much!!!

Superb come back sweet Emgy!



Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 9/21/2005
Thank you, Rob!!!!


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 9/21/2005
La promessa e'promessa.
Grazie e una buona giornata anche a te


Mohamed Banna Mohamed Banna   {K:34237} 9/21/2005
nice abstract


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 9/21/2005
eh eh eh..
grazie a te!
ieri ho aspettato la tua foto fino alle 23,30. poi sono crolato, ma sapevo che questa mattina l'avrei trovata e sicuramente molto molto bella!
tale è.. è prorpio così affascinante "moody" e soprattutto molto soft e delicata..
nelle favs!
un abbracio e serena giornata


ventrix drogo ventrix drogo   {K:65398} 9/21/2005
Molto bello questo particolare, un colore caldo ed avvolgente, bellissimo astratto.


enrico (ventrix)


Rob Ernsting Rob Ernsting   {K:8899} 9/21/2005
It has a sensual touch to it, always when it is so vibrant red, the shapes and lines tend to complement that. It must be my mood. Nice work Emgy. Rob.


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 9/21/2005
Nice red old car with nice lines Emgy!!!!!!!!!



Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 9/21/2005
A wonderful abstract picture. Very well done. Don.


Mohsen Bayramnejad Mohsen Bayramnejad   {K:21377} 9/21/2005
Excellent Emgy...really nice this great composition and nice colors!


don blasingame   {K:3492} 9/21/2005
this is a wonderful view...very interesting shot!


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 9/20/2005
Thanks M J
Í will check your homepage.


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 9/20/2005
Thank you, Gregory!


Gregory McLemore Gregory McLemore   {K:35129} 9/20/2005
An exquisite beauty, stellar work.


Maria José Barres   {K:11276} 9/20/2005
I like very much this texture and simple composition.


Maria José Barres   {K:11276} 9/20/2005
Hello Emgy. I hope you are fine definity!!!!!!!!!!
Happy birthday with delate.
Thanks for yoyr very kind comment. My work is in:




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