Q Zhang
{K:3946} 10/22/2005
the quality is fine to my eye. the grain adds to the dreamy feel of this image.
Bjorn Beheydt
{K:12096} 10/12/2005
I like it alot... quality may not be the best possible, but the feel of the portrait is great... Tell your mom it is very well done!!!
timur basol
{K:5769} 10/12/2005
very good portrait Nicola. timur
{K:4192} 10/12/2005
Nicola, Mum did a great job in this photo!! You look positively charming, beautiful, and dreamy. All your photos are superb. Bravo!!! Etienne
Paolo Barthelemy
{K:25552} 10/12/2005
Congrats to your mother! She has seen you with her eyes and her heart more than with the camera and the result is very charming. I like your pose and your dreaming look and I like the curls of your hair that let your eye shine through. The strong light on the right isn't disturbing to me, on the contrary makes the observer concentrate where the eye must look. The general soft focus, even if probably unwanted, contributes to enhance the warm mood of this portrait. Kind regards, Paolo
Bulent Ozturk
{K:6886} 10/12/2005
A beautiful portrait from an interesting perspective. Nice lighting and background, great details and of course a beautiful face. ++7 cheers Nicola Bulent
Merwyn Kanjes
{K:4227} 10/12/2005
Great pose. Very nice crop and the tone. Well done Nicola. Regards, Merwyn.
Jose Rasquinho
{K:12128} 10/12/2005
Good portrait, with a nice tone!
Giulio Rotelli
{K:28441} 10/12/2005
Prima il babbo, poi la mamma. Devo dire che geneticamente sei avvantaggiata per le foto: anche tua madre a tirato fuori un grande ritratto, carico di emotivitā ed introspezione. Il tocco speciale č la luminositā diffusa sulla destra, che piano piano diminuisce per dare spazio a capelli e volto. mi piace molto anche la colorazione monocromatica: 7/7