Photographer: Marcza Ulan (Karma=198)
Vratislavia, Poland
About: I`m a 21-year old autistic person who lives like other people, but see world in different "colours". I`m interesting in horses genealogy (pedigrees) and in "picture" - in the broad sense. And I love my dog :> . And it`s not true that autistic people can`t feel things like love, friendship, empathy. We just don`t know how to show it. Unfortunately I have a really big problems with writening in other languages (I have a dyslexia ,too) , but I`m a quite good speaker. So... Sorry for my english :( I hope you understand me. I hope that someday I`ll be enough adult (mentally) to make a photos about my vision of world and about myself.
There are 25 images in 1 Pages
Marcza Ulan
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Canon EOS 300
Marcza Ulan
Comments 10
Views 783
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Nikon Coolpix 8800