Photographer: Joseph Flores (Karma=293)
Redding, California USA
About: I'm 25, and I've loved photography since I was in high school. There I took some classes but got out of photography because of the price of everything. Now that the technology digital photography is getting better and better I am getting back into it. Digital is way more forgiving of mistakes. If you make an error on your shutter speed or f setting you don't have to waste that shot on the negative, you simply delete! With that taken care of you can be brave while taking a shot, even more daring. Someone recently called digital photography a fad and film will soon take it's place in the spotlight (not a word-for-word qoute). While I think film is still a great art form (certainly a more demanding art form), I believe that digital is here to stay, and will continue to remain the leader. Now that I have the initial cost of the camera out of the way I can take 100 shots a day without worrying about spending another dime. I view my images on my computer without having to either develop the film myself, or send it out to be developed. With this freedom I hope to improve my skills as a photographer!
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