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Photographer: Mike Mitchell  (Karma=187)

About: I am 17. I started fooling around with my fathers Minolta Maxxum HTsi Plus around March of 2003 and all of my photos are taken with FujiFilm, I prefer Reala 100.

"A kind of visual trickery, aided by the mushrooming use of digital cameras, is becoming increasingly commonplace. Usually it's a color-enhanced sunset... an airbrushed face... scenery revised to appear more pleasing than it actually is. The practice is blurring the distinction between what is real and what isn't.

So imagine our dismay when we began judging this year's photo contest. We saw a dramatic increase in the number of digitally altered submissions. Some were obvious and many were not. And in a few cases, we were almost fooled. In the end we eliminated all the digital duplicity. The eventual winners are the real deal-as are all of the photographs in Nat Geo. We support the art of great photography, not technical sophistry. So count on us to show you the world as it is, not as we might like it to be."

-National Geographic-

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Page #        
There are 2 images in 1 Pages

Picture Title - Tropical Geyser

Tropical Geyser
Mike Mitchell
Comments 5
Views 377
Rating 4.90 / 4 
1981 Chinon CE-5

Picture Title - Sunset 01

Sunset 01
Mike Mitchell
Comments 3
Views 410
Rating 6.17 / 3 
1981 Chinon CE-5



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