Photographer: Daryle Holmstrom (Karma=20)
Mount Vernon, WA USA
About: I've been involved in photography since 1966, unless you take the incident in 1954 when I stripped the film out of my sister's brownie hawkeye camera to see what the pictures looked like. LOL
I started with a Canon FT-QL which I still have and then stepped up to a Canon F1. Still have many lenses and accessories for said camera.
Just started digital in 1999 and went from 1meg-2meg- and now 3meg.
I currently use paint shop pro 7.0, the GIMP, photoshop elements and Photoshop 7.0, each one has something to offer and I haven't picked a favorite yet (photoshop 7 seems to be the standard so I use this one the most) plus a few extras like neat image pro.
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