Critique By:
Cathy Carroll (K:28144)
7/31/2006 4:40:30 AM
Good choice to go with this one, we all forgive a little blur on reflections. I like the way you have captured the change in surface tension around the edge of the leaf. Cathy
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Garold Jennings (K:2513)
7/30/2006 6:21:55 PM
Thank your, Nicola for comming back to look and comment on one of my photographs. Im glad your like it. Best wishes, Garold
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Nicola Barbieri (K:18000)
7/30/2006 3:51:46 PM
Wonderful image..great colors and good details Well done Ciao, Nicola
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Garold Jennings (K:2513)
7/30/2006 12:46:09 AM
Yes Riny that top room is my study and I encourage my creativity from that window. LOL Seriously I did PS work on this shot other than the typical curves and tonal adjustments. I did not like the sky because there was no interest there. I used layers and difference clouds to give definition to the clouds and sky that were to close to the same color and tones. I at first thought it was too much so I applied less opacity to it. Felt better hope it works. I am not technically knowledgeable enough to give more information than that, hope it helps. I am trying to learn more about the terminology and techniques of photography and post PS work. I have always just shot and picked what I liked and don’t like. Hit or miss. Thanks for the humor and the question, Garold
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Riny Koopman (K:102911)
7/29/2006 8:21:41 PM
Is that your house Garold,LOL Did you ps work..?? riny
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Garold Jennings (K:2513)
7/29/2006 8:22:01 AM
Thank you, for looking at my other photograph of the fountain top Paul. Your attention is much appreciated. Best of wishes, Garold
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Garold Jennings (K:2513)
7/29/2006 7:40:39 AM
I am glad you like the photo Fatemeh, but I still haven't captured it like I want to. As I have said to Shirley. I will get some exercise and try again. It is certainly a beautiful site and deserves a better capture. Be safe my friend, Garold
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Garold Jennings (K:2513)
7/29/2006 7:35:30 AM
Thanks Fatemeh. As for the creative mind statement, that is a strong compliment from you as anyone can see looking at your work. Best of wishes, Garold
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Garold Jennings (K:2513)
7/29/2006 7:23:00 AM
If my photograph has you hearing the chimes then I have hit the mark Fatemeh. You are very kind with your comment and attention. I am glad that you like the photograph my friend. Be safe, Garold
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Fatemeh Rahimi (K:13523)
7/29/2006 6:11:08 AM
i like the way coming down the fall, breack the fountain! bravo Garold!
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Fatemeh Rahimi (K:13523)
7/29/2006 6:08:54 AM
i can hear the church chime is tintinnabulating...maybe the sky is trying not to cry...yes, it's so gloomy! good luck Garold!
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Fatemeh Rahimi (K:13523)
7/29/2006 6:05:09 AM
creative mind! i wish the scene over there was more visible, then i'd keep it colorful! good lucl Garold!
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Garold Jennings (K:2513)
7/29/2006 2:01:03 AM
Thank you, James. I appreciate you taking time to look and comment. My regards, Garold
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Garold Jennings (K:2513)
7/29/2006 1:48:26 AM
Thank you, Riny as always I am pleased that you comment on my photographs. Looking through your portfolio and seeing the level of your shots I am always happy to see your comment. Thanks again friend and regards to you from very hot South USA, Garold
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Garold Jennings (K:2513)
7/29/2006 1:42:26 AM
Thank you, Casey I appreciate your looking and taking time to comment. I went through your portfolio and found we kinda like the same type of photographs and some of your places seem familiar. Good luck to you, Garold
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Casey Lannette (K:673)
7/28/2006 4:53:43 PM
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Riny Koopman (K:102911)
7/28/2006 2:31:36 PM
I like these kind of compo Garold,and your dof seems perfectly..regards from hot Holland,riny
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Jimmy Piper (K:5742)
7/28/2006 10:50:18 AM
it was a good idea, well executed i think.
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor (K:174133)
7/28/2006 8:33:01 AM
It is truly a most beautiful place. You will get it. You are welcome, Garold.
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Garold Jennings (K:2513)
7/28/2006 8:25:29 AM
Yes its not very vibrant, I plan on going back when the light and weather are somewhat more forgiving. I hope I have improved enough to get this shot. I have tried on 3 different occasions to actually shoot this waterfall. During one shooting the photos were too sharp and not very pleasing (I want the cotton candy falls) and the second I was playing around with the long exposure, alas I definitely was not very adept at that. This is the third attempt. Oh well I guess I will get some more exercise. LOL Thanks Shirley for your critique I appreciate it. Best to you, Garold
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor (K:174133)
7/28/2006 8:07:14 AM
Even though it still comes across as slightly soft, it is an extremely beautiful image, Garold!
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor (K:174133)
7/28/2006 8:06:21 AM
Even though it still comes across as slightly soft, it is an extremely beautiful image, Garold!
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Garold Jennings (K:2513)
7/28/2006 8:00:48 AM
Shirley, Emily sure had it right. Who knows maybe they will. Thanks for your kind words. Best of everything to you, Garold
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor (K:174133)
7/28/2006 7:52:35 AM
"Love is like the wild rose-briar..." Emily Bronte
This is very lovely, Garold! I hope your 'someone' sees it.
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Paul's Photos (K:35235)
7/28/2006 7:50:37 AM
thanks for the kind words, glad that you like my portfolio. I checked out the other photo.. nice remake.... good work
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Garold Jennings (K:2513)
7/28/2006 6:49:18 AM
I thank you Roberto. I think that the shot turned out decent and I do like the framing of the tree around the birdhouse but I wish I had of taken a few shots from different angles just to see how it would have turned out with a slightly less centered view. Oh well next time right. Best of luck to you, Garold
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Garold Jennings (K:2513)
7/28/2006 6:45:54 AM
Thank you, Doyle first for the comment glad you like it, secondly for the featured critique. I was very glad to get noticed here on this site. I don't know all of the technical lingo but I know what photos move me and draw in my interest. Best wishes, Garold
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Doyle D. Chastain (K:101119)
7/27/2006 7:03:00 PM
Unique image Garold . . . nicely done. By the way. congrats on the Featured Critique today too!
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Roberto Arcari Farinetti (K:209486)
7/27/2006 6:49:39 AM
nicely texture crreated around the birdhouse..
Photo By: Garold Jennings
Critique By:
Garold Jennings (K:2513)
7/27/2006 5:13:08 AM
Thanks for looking and commenting Chuck. I'm just glad I finally found out what they are. Thanks for that too. Best of wishes, Garold
Photo By: Garold Jennings