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Critiques From Marc Robin

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Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
8/1/2006 4:28:04 PM

You do what you can with a 50 mm lens...shots looking downwards like this seem to be the only ones that seem to work well for me with landscapes. I wish I had a good wide angle...but it's a bit pricey. Know anyone selling a good Canon L series wide angle lens for cheap? :-)
        Photo By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
8/1/2006 2:16:34 PM

heh, very cute shot, and nicely sharp. Perfect expression, and good sharp focus on the eyes with a nice catchlight. Also, it is a moose, not mousse...Mousse is like foam, such as chocolate mousse, heehee... :-) Are moose very common in Sweden? We have lots here in Canada.

Cheers, Marc
        Photo By: Margriet van der Ent  (K:1317)

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
7/16/2006 6:02:26 AM

nice...but I find the texture and brightness of the sweater a bit too distracting from his face. I am no expert though...

        Photo By: Studio East  (K:3349) Donor

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
5/6/2006 4:11:48 AM

As an avid rock climber, I would be scared to death of that walkway! I'd want to tie into the chain with a harness!

        Photo By: Steve Wise  (K:215)

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
4/11/2006 9:16:00 PM

wow, very nice...I'd love to see what the original is like. How much work was done on this in the 'digital darkroom'?

        Photo By: Umran Dusunsel  (K:1329)

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
3/17/2006 5:49:08 PM

This is a very great photo, with lots of interesting stuff. But I think it's a bit soft. What kind of setup did you have? Perhaps it's just my monitor (or my vision....anticipating large quantities of green beer!)

Happy St. Pat's day!
        Photo By: John Pitman  (K:8473)

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
3/14/2006 10:38:06 PM

hmm, i've just turned the brightness on my monitor down to a more normal level, and the colours look much nicer. Please disregard my last comment about boosting the contrast!
        Photo By: Anyki .  (K:1381)

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
3/14/2006 10:36:34 PM

An interesting image...I think it could use a bit of a boost in contrast (using levels in photoshop). The image seems a bit washed out. This would help bring out the amazing colours that are here. Also, I think there are a few too many competing elements here...the bridge is interesting, the flowers are nice, the buildings in the foreground AND background are interesting. A tad too busy, as I find they are all competing for attention.

I hope my critique is not too harsh, please don't take it personally... :-D

        Photo By: Anyki .  (K:1381)

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
3/14/2006 10:16:04 PM

A nice shot, with good composition I think. Good handling of the exposure on the snow. The sky blends in with the web site background a bit too much...a border might be nice here to separate? Also, cropping a bit of the sky off the top perhaps? These are just my opinions, of course :-)

Cheers, Marc
        Photo By: David Killeen  (K:131)

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
3/9/2006 7:23:07 PM

The rocks and the cacti look like they might make interesting subjects. I find though that the lighting is not great...perhaps return here in the late afternoon as the sun is getting lower, or at sunrise? Also, if you want to show the rocks, show the rocks...not the cacti, unless the rocks have a MUCH more prominent place in the photo. You can get much closer to them, lower the camera much closer to the ground, and put the cacti in the background or soemthing. There's a photographer on this site that can give you great ideas about this kind of thing.

Notice how the objects he chooses as subjects are often placed really close to the lens.

Anyway, hopefully some of that will help!
        Photo By: Laura Spell  (K:24080)

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
3/9/2006 7:12:04 PM

pretty photo, well executed...but to me it lacks a strong subject.
        Photo By: Glenn Morgan  (K:1029)

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
3/8/2006 3:30:22 PM

Nice shot, but I think erasing the little bits of black on the right of the image and above the dock would improve it a bit. They distract me a little.

        Photo By: Nick Karagiaouroglou  (K:127263) Donor

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
3/8/2006 3:19:38 PM

I agree with the other comment...and also, I'm not sure if it's my monitor or not, but the dark band in the middle seems too dark. With some careful photoshop dodging and burning
(see my comment on this image: ) you could bring out the details there and give this an even more lush feeling, because I think the details are there but they just need to be brought out. And remember, dodging and burning is something that can be done in the dark room, so it's not cheating to do it in photoshop! :-D

        Photo By: Faika Berat  Pehlivan  (K:2160)

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
3/4/2006 10:22:13 PM

I feel somewhat the same about the right-weightedness...however possibly that would have been better simply by turning the chair inwards, on an angle towards the far left corner? I like the location of the chair, since it kind of forms the corner of a triangle between it, the centre of the painting and the pile of dirt on the floor. It's orientation leads the eye outwards though.

Great photo nonetheless...I really looked at it for several minutes, enjoying the details.

        Photo By: Guido Steenkamp  (K:183)

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
3/4/2006 10:14:17 PM

Good composition...but yes, I think you're right about too much contrast...and the sky is too white...or make the contrast even greater to just see outlines...kind of a high key image. That might be interesting!

Une belle image quand meme.
        Photo By: David Mongeau-Petitpas  (K:2068)

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
3/4/2006 10:04:30 PM

Hi...the colours and textures of the glass are interesting. But I feel the background is just a distraction. Maybe just a picture of the glass on the log, taken from above or something, might have been nice?

Cheers, Marc

        Photo By: Alison DuFlon  (K:36566)

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
10/10/2005 11:50:26 PM

I saw this and thought 'wow, nice...that looks like a photo I saw on here when I first joined by a guy who's name I can't remember...Sai I think it was'. But it's not, and it's different and amazing. All the different tones of blue and And it also made me realize how long I've been visiting this site!

Keep it up!
        Photo By: Mary Sue Hayward  (K:17558) Donor

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
10/1/2005 3:50:20 PM

That's a really good idea! I hadn't thought of it at the time, and I do have a polarizing filter. I will try it the next time I am in such a place. And yes, it is very lush. If you are ever on holiday in Ontario, that park is highly recommended, especially if you go 'back-country' camping (i.e. hike for 45 minutes to your camp site). Fewer crowds, nicer scenery.

        Photo By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
9/24/2005 5:46:16 PM

Hi Carmeny, thanks for the comment. There was no colour enhancement done to this photograph...Only used an ND grad filter to balance the exposure, fuji velvia film for great colour saturation, and a bit of luck for being at the right place at the right time for a great sunset.

Cheers, Marc
        Photo By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
9/23/2005 3:27:14 PM

Hi, Not sure what the exposure was, but I would say it was 20 or 30 seconds, somewhere between f13 and f22. I also had a ND grad filter on, to balance the foreground and the background. Luckily I bracketed, since some other shots that i had were horribly overexposed in the FG.

Thanks for all your opinions on the better is hard to look at them objectively and decide that on my own.

        Photo By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
9/23/2005 4:28:47 AM

I'm not sure which Velvia it is. I went to the photo store and asked for Velvia and this is what I got...the result seems nice! :-)

Thanks for your comments.
        Photo By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
9/15/2005 1:26:15 PM

Thanks for the comments and suggestions! I am not sure how to line up the filter...does the beginning of the gradient go on the horizon or the middle of the gradient? And probably getting a variety of these filters as you suggest would be a good idea.

Since taking these photos, I have learned that the sky should be 1 or 1.5 stops brighter than the foreground, which I think might be the problem here..the sky is darker than the foreground! I have some more shots from later in the day when the sun is setting. I hope that they turn out a bit better.

The location is amazing. I wish I could go back there soon, but it is quite a distance from where I live.
Thanks for taking the time to comment!
        Photo By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
9/13/2005 12:00:04 AM

also, when stitching the photos together, cut the edges off, because that is where you get distortion and colour differences. That means quite a bit of overlapping and more photos, but it helps. Also, keep the horizon in the middle of the frame. This is not great compositionally, but it also minimizes distortion that prevents easy stitching. You can crop later.

        Photo By: Michael Schuier  (K:4804)

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
9/11/2005 11:40:45 PM

As a masters student studying simulation of turbulence in fluids, I couldn't help but click on this one! Not only that but it's a cool photo. Your portfolio is awesome.

        Photo By: Laurie Gould  (K:11942)

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
9/11/2005 11:28:51 PM

ya, really cool shot. Only thing I can suggest is to try an ND grad filter to darken the sky and brighten the jump and rider, i.e. balance the foreground and background better. Or dodge and burn in photoshop.
        Photo By: Phillip Swanson  (K:7013)

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
9/5/2005 11:32:01 AM

Well seen...never noticed the curves in the tiles of the floor there, and their potential in photographs!

        Photo By: D W  (K:2560)

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
8/30/2005 10:54:26 AM

This is excellent...Did you use any filters on this?
        Photo By: Dave K  (K:-171) Donor

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
8/27/2005 8:56:06 PM

interesting...but looks digitized/pixellated. It seems that it is a style you're going for as it appears in several of your photos...not sure if I'm a huge fan, but keep up the experimentation, I look forward to seeing the results.

        Photo By: Salvador María Lozada  (K:69375) Donor

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
8/27/2005 8:53:32 PM

I like the composition...I think colour would be nice, and also getting rid of the person in the top right. You could even just clone him/her out and turn it black.

        Photo By: Matt Barclay  (K:321)

Critique By: Marc Robin  (K:3385)  
8/27/2005 11:47:28 AM

haha, this is awesome. Makes me think that someone put him there to dry or something, because you can't see the ground and how high it long will he hold on? This definitely would not have worked with a taller subject. Great tones, composition, blah blah blah etc.

        Photo By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)

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