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Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
6/27/2003 10:00:54 AM

An abstract, weird and wonderful image Chelsea. I like it a lot. Wonderful eye to have captured this. The lines created by the accumulating pollen are outstanding. Really lovely work.
        Photo By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
6/19/2003 5:43:09 AM

Great shot Darrin. Stark but still very vivid with the presence of the women in the scene. Perfect time of day for catching those long shadows. What gets me is the perfect exposure to elicit those soft tones showing the subtle contours of the wall. Just great.
        Photo By: Darrin James  (K:3944)

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
6/19/2003 5:32:24 AM

A gorgeous image Darrin. Both lush and stark in turn as the eye moves from bottom to top. The great thing is the structure of the composition and the way the soft lines of the mountain naturally draw my eye right to the top. Glad you used the circular polarizer to elicit the substance of the sky. Lovely work.
        Photo By: Darrin James  (K:3944)

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
6/18/2003 4:54:21 AM

Very cute kid Darrin. Doubtless you gave his parents something they will cherish for a long time to come. Tiny bit on motion blur on his toes, but otherwise perfect.
        Photo By: Darrin James  (K:3944)

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
6/16/2003 6:00:51 AM

Very good work Eric. The shot is just a "killer". Ouch, I can't believe I came up with that stinker this early in the morning. Anyway, cool stuff. Keep up with the shots on this line. Could be a lot of fun and you could get some nice images in the process.
        Photo By: Eric Goldwasser  (K:4294) Donor

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
6/16/2003 5:56:46 AM

Oh, this I like a whole lot. The opposed diagonals created by the buildings really give this a dynamic quality. The tones are great as well. Very nice detail throughout. The tones and the feel are great because they remind me of some your Holga images, which you know I adore. Great work.
        Photo By: Alisa Mudge  (K:7511) Donor

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
6/16/2003 5:52:26 AM

Very nicely done Verna. The tones are very good and the lighting is warm and very atmospheric. Not sure if I'm a big fan of the framing but it doesn't get in the way of my enjoyment of the image. Its a beautiful image that I'm sure will be cherished for a long time to come.
        Photo By: Verna Absolutestockphoto  (K:2836)

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
6/16/2003 5:48:58 AM

Their pose couldn't have been better when you snapped the shutter Darrin. The use of the fish in the foreground to balance out the woman and her child makes this composition rock-solid. Another good one.
        Photo By: Darrin James  (K:3944)

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
6/12/2003 5:31:55 PM

Good eye for grabbing this one. You did a nice job with the exposure so the kid's eyes really jump out of the frame. I kinda wish the thumb wasn't partially obstructing one eye, but how can you control that? Very nice.
        Photo By: Darrin James  (K:3944)

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
6/12/2003 5:24:59 PM

Very nicely done Robert. Not quite truly symmetrical but still the textures and colors make it quite nice.
        Photo By: Robert Gaither  (K:34128) Donor

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
6/12/2003 5:12:31 PM

Wow, Verna, spectacular and achingly intimate (meant in the best possible sense). The crop makes me feel a bit as if I'm peeking in on an intensely private moment, but its gorgeous and wonderful sensual and beautiful. Very well done.
        Photo By: Verna Absolutestockphoto  (K:2836)

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
6/12/2003 5:05:27 PM

Not sure if its the scan or the USM, but that aside its not a bad little skyline shot. So, let me ask, you got a good watering hole within sight of that bridge. Gotta start making my plans for a trip to Oz.
        Photo By: Darrin James  (K:3944)

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
6/12/2003 5:01:54 PM

Yes yes, pal, its great looking at old photographs. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. I like it a lot beautiful colors and tones. And the sea is really nice too! Good one DJ.
        Photo By: Darrin James  (K:3944)

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
6/10/2003 1:13:14 PM

I think Kristina is right on: you're asking us to make too hard a choice. This on its own merits is also a spectacular image thats loaded with a great deal of emotionality. However, to me I do ever so slightly favor Taking Care to this version. I don't see the other version as one in which the girl is looking at the camera. To me, she looks as if her gaze is directed to some far off place, as if she's lost in thought. Here, she seems far more conscious of her burden, which of course carries with it a new level of heartbreak as you look at her face. In either case, its wonderful work Darrin. Both are images you should be intensely proud of.
        Photo By: Darrin James  (K:3944)

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
6/10/2003 12:30:28 PM

Is this a detail from my favorite shot in the DJ portfolio or an entirely different exposure? Regardless, I damn near cry when I look at this image. There's a profoundly heartbreaking quality to seeing the weariness of this little girl's face. God, such a big responsibility riding on such little shoulders. Its tender, sad and utterly brilliant photography Darrin.
        Photo By: Darrin James  (K:3944)

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
6/9/2003 2:42:54 PM

A very cool image Heather. I love the geometry of the scaffolding set off by the blocks of color. Its as if the men are set against a Mondrian painting (I think thats the right artist at least). Is that bamboo that they are climbing on?
        Photo By: heather martino  (K:3648)

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
6/9/2003 2:38:36 PM

Know what appeals to me about your photos Darrin? For all the exotic locales, they always teem with life. This one is no exception. As image like this is exactly the cure for my world-weariness because of its vibrance. Hardly surprising that such energy emerges from your camera given your own energy. Another joy to behold.
        Photo By: Darrin James  (K:3944)

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
6/9/2003 12:07:21 PM

Really wonderful image here Darrin. I can't describe why but I'm fascinated by the rigid stance of the piper. I think perhaps because he also seems to be playing his instrument with some intensity, judging from the tightness of his facial expression. The lighting is really nice. Was this natural light or did you use a flash as well. Regardless its great stuff.
        Photo By: Darrin James  (K:3944)

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
6/9/2003 12:03:00 PM

Remarkable color and atmosphere in this shot Darrin. Something about it wonderfully dreamy and surreal. I think that's created by the striking hues of the rocks surrounding the monk. Excellent work.
        Photo By: Darrin James  (K:3944)

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
5/27/2003 1:52:14 PM

Yes indeed you are great Verna. There is just nothing thats out of place here. You waited for the perfect moment and caught it so well. The composition couldn't be better and the crop seems ideal with the space surrounding the cats. Just a great job.
        Photo By: Verna Absolutestockphoto  (K:2836)

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
5/27/2003 1:42:21 PM

God, I just have to get a Holga and play around sometime. There's just something wonderful that piece of plastic can do with images. Great choice of film too Michaelle. There's nothing like the wonderfully silky tones you get with properly processed T-Max. Great work.
        Photo By: michaelle .  (K:3807)

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
5/27/2003 1:35:44 PM

Great capture here Darrin. The gaggle of boats in the background do a great job of framing the smaller boats. Just a very nice natural composition. The colors and sharpness are great, as usual. Man, all I wanna do is hop on one of the boats and never come back.
        Photo By: Darrin James  (K:3944)

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
5/25/2003 7:38:16 AM

A very cool photo Darrin. The motion blur of the guy on the bike is awesome. Have you pondered converting this to B/W? Its pretty close as it is given the heavily monochromatic nature of the image. Its very atmospheric and makes me want to know what the activity is that's going on here.
        Photo By: Darrin James  (K:3944)

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
5/25/2003 7:34:09 AM

Man, Karen, this is brilliant. I don't know if you've studied much of Georgia O'Keefe's work but this immediately made me think of her paintings when I saw it. The composition and colors couldn't be better. Wonderful job.
        Photo By: Karen Johnson  (K:2951)

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
5/25/2003 7:31:14 AM

Excellent composition Darrin. Filling the frame horizontally with the full line of monks was exactly right. I assume we are witnessing the daily ritual of the monks seeking handouts from the lay community. Its a brilliant little study of this aspect of life in a Buddhist monastery. I'm telling you pal, think NG.
        Photo By: Darrin James  (K:3944)

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
5/25/2003 7:23:30 AM

Come on Chels, gators are sweethearts if you're nice to them. I pet them all the time and I've only lost three fingers and the lower half of my right leg. You're way too timid. I like the shot though. Its a great little abstract.
        Photo By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
5/19/2003 7:30:18 PM

Damn, that's just spectacular. The orange glow to the sky is spectacular. Did you use a polarizer to keep the sun under control, or an ND? The silhouette is absolutely perfect with amazing detail along its borders. I hope you've turned this into a big print. It would look amazing as an 11x14 or maybe even a 16x20.
        Photo By: Darrin James  (K:3944)

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
5/19/2003 2:58:22 PM

Man, you're definitely getting the hang of this Sean. Very cool composition and colors in this one. Is the darker areas around the edges due to the housing? The slight vignetting, whatever the source, works really well.
        Photo By: sean slavin  (K:3488)

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
5/19/2003 2:48:39 PM

I think Kristina may be right. Its got a faintly "noisy" quality in the background that says perhaps a bit too much USM. Are you using the same USM values for each photo, or are you varying things a bit? Not trying to be hypercritical...just want to see you get that job with NG. Still its a warm and very pleasing image. I'm just in awe of the sheer number of great images your trip to SE Asia yielded. If I get a half-dozen keepers when I'm in Blighty in a couple of weeks, I will be ecstatic.
        Photo By: Darrin James  (K:3944)

Critique By: Andy Eulass  (K:13435)  
5/18/2003 7:25:11 PM

Man, when I first looked at this through my crap laptop monitor at work, it really looked way over the top too bright. Now, that I'm home on my properly calibrated its much more under control. An excellent image with wonderful appealling elements. What's the real grabber for me in this one is the face lurking behind the wagon. Its these little touches that make your images so enjoyable to view. Well done.
        Photo By: Darrin James  (K:3944)

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