Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
10/7/2003 9:32:13 PM
Why do I like this one so much? It's sparse and leaves plenty of room for imaginations to wander about. I think there is some kind of calculus or geometry theory in play here. I can't wait for the corollory! Adding to my faves.
Photo By: Jim McNitt
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
10/7/2003 9:26:22 PM
You've made this capture even more of a paradise than it already is... The slow exposure on the waterfall is amazing. I feel like I could dive right into the emerald waters. Adding to my favorites!
Photo By: Kenneth Kwan
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
10/7/2003 9:22:38 PM
Wickedly creative, Chris!! The colors are great and the patterns in the eye are wild and wonderful!
Photo By: Chris Spracklen
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
10/7/2003 9:16:44 PM
Great shot Frederico! I hope you had a hat on... and a lens hood! :-)
Photo By: Federico Garza
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
10/7/2003 9:10:14 PM
Yummy! I'd love to grab one of those apples! This is a fun shot, Shiv!
Photo By: Shiv Kumar Surya
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
10/7/2003 9:08:18 PM
Jorge, this is a lovely portrait. You've chosen an appropriate vantage point!
Photo By: Jorge Vasconcelos
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
10/7/2003 9:02:38 PM
Stefan: You're very perceptive and very correct. It is a bit soft -- I did that on purpose to... ummm... stay in harmony with the soft smooth cloud. :-) Actually, it was also taken with a zoom and handheld, so it's not as tack sharp as it could be.
Photo By: Carol Watson
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
10/7/2003 8:41:03 PM
Very nice!! I like the soft mood and hint of color in the flower.
Photo By: andrew vonbank
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
10/7/2003 8:39:18 PM
Great capture! You caught him with a seed in his beak! :-) Grackles are considered a nuisance 'round these part of Texas. And in Mexico as well. Poor misunderstood birds...
Photo By: Steve Dunn
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
10/7/2003 8:36:51 PM
Great vertical composition with wonderful textures, curves and pockets of light! Did you use a Moose's warming filter or another brand?
Photo By: Kenneth Kwan
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
10/7/2003 8:34:55 PM
What a lovely scene... I can smell the sage from here. :-)
Photo By: Bob Tilden
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
10/7/2003 8:26:46 AM
For Stefan: I've attached the "virgin" image that came straight out of my digital camera. As you can see, I didn't have to do much to "embellish" this image in PS except adjust the color balance with more yellow since my camera tends to create images with a bit of a blue cast. :-)
Photo By: Carol Watson
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
10/6/2003 9:27:21 PM
Thanks Craig. Here's the results of your suggestion on cropping.
Photo By: Carol Watson
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
10/5/2003 9:00:06 PM
Ope... forgot to rate. :-)
Photo By: Bob Tilden
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
10/5/2003 8:59:44 PM
Gorgeous infrared, Bob! I love those fences -- it really adds character to the shot. I saw this style fence in Montana too!
Photo By: Bob Tilden
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
10/5/2003 8:56:03 PM
Sah-weet!! Great shot with wonderful light!
Photo By: Kenneth Kwan
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
10/4/2003 8:15:42 PM
Wow!! Very telling image, Indiana Jim! The colors and contrast are wicked! The wild lines of glowing lava really add to the heat! The only thing missing is a virgin about to be sacrificed. :-)
Photo By: Jim McNitt
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
10/2/2003 8:27:08 PM
Great time-sequence collage! This is one for the book of memories... to be treasured as you wipe off the virtual dust and gaze once again at this photo, with much nostalgia, at the young age of 103.
Photo By: peta jones
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
10/2/2003 7:49:39 PM
This is a very imaginative montage with a wonder theme! This creation is a unique wedding gift -- they must have been thrilled to see it!
Photo By: andrew vonbank
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
10/2/2003 7:46:31 PM
Very cool natural abstract, Donna!! I like the repeating patterns in the different layers of red tones!
Photo By: Donna Johnson
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
10/2/2003 7:44:54 PM
What a fun shot! Her expression is very "elfin" and the textured overlay is perfect for the subject! Love the tossled hair and the earth tones. Looks like something out of Tolkien. :-)
Photo By: peta jones
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
9/29/2003 9:35:24 PM
Great night shot! The tones and the reflections of the lights on the bridge are amazing!!
Photo By: Bill Krul
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
9/29/2003 9:24:51 PM
Congrats on an amazing winterscape! Wonderful lighting and colors! Being a former Canuckistani, this makes me miss the quiet, crisp mornings after a fresh snowfall.
Photo By: Steve Kaufman
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
9/29/2003 8:43:01 PM
help us when Jim no longer has a creative outlet..... Have you ever thought of the legacy you'll leave, Jim? :-) You're going to have your great-grandchildren (and their children) talking up a storm when they look over your photo art 100 years from now while watching the earth set over their little mobile pod on Mars.... :-)
Photo By: Jim McNitt
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
9/29/2003 8:30:47 PM
Amazing portrait! His gaze burns right through me..... Is he a coal miner by any chance?
Photo By: Tomo Radovanovic
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
9/28/2003 8:40:07 PM
Craig, ask and ye shall receive! I've attached the color version. As you can see, I was shooting into a low sun.
Photo By: Carol Watson
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
9/28/2003 8:28:09 PM
Here comes those silver celestial horses Rays of the moon in the mountain air I'm steeped in the steam of the last wild hot spring Maybe I'm melting but I don't care There's darkness in the canyon But the Light comes pounding through For me and for you -- Bruce Cockburn
The title of this photograph was inspired by the lyrics of this pretty little waltz.
Photo By: Carol Watson
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
9/28/2003 9:44:54 AM
Great moose capture, Jim!! I see you were seeking out wildlife while I was seeking out unique landscapes the week that we were both there! I'm sure we passed each other on the road somewhere! Next time, wave at me, will ya? :-) Had I known you were going, I would have tried to tag along on one your hikes! I didn't run into any moose -- but I had bison cross my path several times (which seemed appropriate since my "totem animal" is a buffalo). Your were fortunate to get so close (or did you have a good zoom?). They are such awkward looking beasts -- with their large heads, snouts and antlers -- and plop that onto of their skinny boney-kneed legs. :-) Your exposure and DOF are perfect on this one! I look forward to seeing more!
Photo By: Jim Christensen
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
9/27/2003 10:38:46 PM
Wicked wasp wallowing whimsically while we wallow in wonder.... WOWWWWW!! Adding to my faves!
Photo By: Mark Plonsky
Critique By:
Carol Watson (K:5185)
9/27/2003 9:04:36 PM
Awesome night shot!! I like the sparse composition, the fire red tones and the crescent moon...
Photo By: I. Syukri