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Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/4/2004 9:04:54 PM

?Maria, está el cielo claro en España esta noche? ?Usted vio el eclipse? Roberto
        Photo By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/4/2004 8:59:45 PM

Dankie Riny, maar dit was 'n bietjie meer geelerig hier. Ek dink daar is baie stof in die lug. My eerste pos "Embryo" is die ware kleur toe dit donker geword het. Groete, Robert
        Photo By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/4/2004 8:55:52 PM

Hi Stephen, I thought you Europeans might miss out on it so I gave you something back for my collage ;-) Robert
        Photo By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/4/2004 8:53:57 PM

Blazej, I was trying everything possible, but all manual focus. I chose these three images for their effect, so they may not all be "true to life". As the eclipse progressed there was very little light and the longer exposure time allowed the moon to move quite a bit. During one shot at 3 sec it moved about 0.5mm on the LCD display!
        Photo By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/4/2004 8:46:55 PM

Hi Michael, sorry I only read this comment after I posted my eclipse shots. I hope you did tshoot some otherwise I'm going to feel very bad about this. ( My email is ). Thanks for thinking of me Michael.
        Photo By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/4/2004 8:31:44 PM

Linn was upset by the name, but I called it as I saw it! It is still dark here. Robert
        Photo By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/4/2004 9:08:25 AM

I see it has an arresting hook so it probably had a tough life on aircraft carriers. The b/w works very well here, you could even have added some grain to give it that '40s look. It looks a lot like the Harvard trainers that were used here in S.A. Till later, Robert
        Photo By: Andy Pollard  (K:1359)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/4/2004 8:55:30 AM

Thanks Lori, I know Linn drools over your portfolio, maybe we can do something next year for her birthday :-) Regards, Robert
        Photo By: Linn Currie  (K:24426)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/4/2004 8:45:33 AM

Grand old bird. It looks like it is also a flying exibit, did they do any flypasts at the show? Robert
        Photo By: Andy Pollard  (K:1359)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/4/2004 8:39:01 AM

In South Africa it is called Frangipani (bot name:Plumeria) and is also known as the fruit salad flower because of its fragrance! Unfortunately we stay in an area which has bad frost in winter, so they won't survive here. Thanks for sharing. Robert
        Photo By: Brandon Rowe  (K:194)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/4/2004 8:26:10 AM

Jeroen, this sounds like good experience for you when you land that big travel magazine assignment with tight deadlines . I have now dropped behind with viewing all the other images so it will take me a while to get around to everybody again. Friendly greetings, Robert
        Photo By: Linn Currie  (K:24426)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/4/2004 7:17:17 AM

Very nice composition and choice of sepia tone, I like the mystery. Roberto
        Photo By: Maria José Barres  (K:11276)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/4/2004 7:08:39 AM

Jeroen, I was told not to visit any of the forums and I played by the rules! It was definitely worth it, thanks for you effort, I must still have a look at the spare pictures Linn has. Baie dankie, Robert
        Photo By: Linn Currie  (K:24426)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/4/2004 7:04:09 AM

Hi Lori, my first car was an Alfa, and I have raced and rallied them. I must have owned about 20 over the years. Robert
        Photo By: Linn Currie  (K:24426)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/4/2004 7:01:37 AM

Felipe, my day has already started off very well with these images. Thanks, Robert
        Photo By: Linn Currie  (K:24426)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/4/2004 6:59:13 AM

Arwa, you have a wonderful singing voice! Thank you, and thanks for your friendship. Robert
        Photo By: Linn Currie  (K:24426)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/4/2004 6:42:56 AM

Hi Andy, yes it was handheld. Actually there is only one photo in my portfolio that isn't handheld and that is the candlelight still life!


        Photo By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/3/2004 11:48:19 PM

Thanks Debra. Ilove your pics of the furry kids!
        Photo By: Linn Currie  (K:24426)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/3/2004 11:44:38 PM

Riny, jy is reg, Wonderboom lughawe is in die noord van Pretoria. Die Wonderboom is 'n groot wilde vyeboom (ek dink dit is die grootste boom in diameter in die wereld!). Robert
        Photo By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/3/2004 11:38:59 PM

Gracias mucho, Maria
        Photo By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/3/2004 11:36:47 PM

Jeroen, you don't seem to be on line at present, maybe you're on assignment in outer Mongolia, Guatamala or New Zealand or some other far off place , but I would like to thank you for helping Linn with this birthday surprise. It couldn't have been easy to find an Alfa Romeo in Bangkok :-). The gift is much appreciated.
Thank you
        Photo By: Linn Currie  (K:24426)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/3/2004 11:27:28 PM

Emgy, you are such a sweetie. Thanks for all the trouble you went to, and I know you went to some trouble because Linn has just emailed me all the photos that were taken for this surprise! I also appreciate all your comments on my snapshots (compared to your works of art) and I always look forward to your posts. Thanks again my good friend, and we'll chat again soon.

Is jy 'n Italianer of 'n Hollander? :-)

        Photo By: Linn Currie  (K:24426)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/3/2004 11:17:46 PM

Riny, dankie vir al jou vriendelike boodskappe en komplimente, jou vriend, Robert
        Photo By: Linn Currie  (K:24426)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/3/2004 11:12:24 PM

Gracias por ser un buen amigo, Maria. Roberto
        Photo By: Linn Currie  (K:24426)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/3/2004 11:10:44 PM

Chris, I've enroled Linn on a PS Elements course and I'm hoping that one day she will be able to produce superb work such as this! Thanks again for putting together this wonderful collage. I still can't believe Linn took the photos of the GTV while driving, but it is a local licence plate so I guess it is so. Regards, Robert
        Photo By: Linn Currie  (K:24426)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/3/2004 11:02:05 PM

Stephen, now I know why you've been out till the cows come home! LoL. Thanks for helping Linn put together this wonderful surprise and I'm sorry to hear you had to go out in the middle of the night, in the pouring rain to track down the Alfista. I see from your recent post that the weather has improved at least :-) Robert
        Photo By: Linn Currie  (K:24426)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/3/2004 10:52:01 PM

Gracias por los buenos deseos, Maria. ?Espero que mi español (gracias a Google) sea comprensible! Roberto
        Photo By: Linn Currie  (K:24426)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/3/2004 10:49:37 PM

Thanks Den, you are welcome to post pictures of Alfas and I guess Altaf will have to create a category just for them because I'm sure there are many folk on UF who drive them! Robert
        Photo By: Linn Currie  (K:24426)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/3/2004 10:44:45 PM

Thank you Ursula
        Photo By: Linn Currie  (K:24426)

Critique By: Robert Currie  (K:3241)  
5/3/2004 10:43:44 PM

Thanks Stephen, I believe you played a big part in the following surprise image. BTW I gave Linn a Minolta wide angle converter for my birthday so now she has to share the camera! Cheers, Rob
        Photo By: Linn Currie  (K:24426)

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