Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/21/2006 7:01:22 PM
Well.. he-who-cannot-be-named decided to alter the content of my about... but anyway.. those are tamperings of the past. All is well now. Life is, again, beautiful.
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/21/2006 6:59:42 PM
of course it will depend on WHICH person... :-)
Actually, forgot to say something... today a couple of us sneaked into the shelter from hell and rescued another couple of critically starved dogs... and a cat!!!!!!
This is starting to look like one of the Animal Liberation Front operations... anyway...
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/21/2006 6:51:39 PM
I have always been fascinated by that park, it has the beauty of a classic ruin in the middle of a sprawling metropolis. I was there.. without a camera. Bummer! Great use of the fish eye... and of the photographers, they lend you perspective and proportion.
Photo By: Doyle D. Chastain
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/21/2006 5:29:19 PM
Doyle, I did not equate Darfur with animal wellfare, what I said was that they were both situations created by the indifference, callousness.. etc.. You speak wise words and I cannot but aplaude you. I will just quote my favourite Saint, Saint Francis of Assisi "All things of creation are children of the Father and thus brothers of man. ... God wants us to help animals, if they need help. Every creature in distress has the same right to be protected". Another favourite of mind is: Fill your hear with compassion ... Those who try to draw lines, differenciate, and in general find reasons to justify their indifference fall below what I have drawn for myself and my people as basic standards.
On a different subject, in a few days I will post an update of the effect this image and the slide show that accompanied has had on this matter. I cannot but applaud the hundreds of people (in a few days will surely be thousands) that have bombarded that company and the government officials involved with complains.
I cannot tell you exactly to what extent, it will be clearer by the end of the week, but one thing is sure, this time they have made a real difference.
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/21/2006 6:27:32 AM
Opposite sides of the same coin Paul. A coin called indifference, callousness, selfishness, inhumanity. Equally upsetting and equally worth fighthing for.
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/21/2006 5:08:54 AM
Dissent is an act of faith. Fullbright.. a man afer my own heart.
Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/21/2006 5:07:58 AM
That is some blue!!!!!
Great nature morte...
Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/21/2006 5:06:56 AM
A cacophony of light, reflections tones and moods... Sensory overdrive.
Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/21/2006 4:29:59 AM
That is a hell of a wonderful spot for pictures.. the way the light reflects on the surfaces is astonishing. A gift for photographers...
As for your comment on my pic.. well, have a look to my portfolio again, the pic was reinstated, issued resolved with fairness. What can I say... Im not one to fight windmills but sometimes one has to make its point and stand by it.
I cannot identify you with your VT name... drop me a line on ivan10000@gmail.com and tell me who's nut you were, I dont remember many people with a photography interest on that site so it is a surprise to see a fellow VTer around..
Photo By: Paul's Photos
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/21/2006 4:18:56 AM
A small victory of freedom of expression and decency against the insensitivity and inaction that plagues our society today. Thank you Al for your fairness. Thank you Gayle for having stood by me on this. My eventual departure was not important, but making my point across was. Really thank you for your time, efforts and kindness. Ivan
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/20/2006 9:13:45 AM
Me gusta, una imagen soberbia digno de todo un maestro... es una version ciclista de un grabado de Goya.. todo drama y dinamismo. Ahora bien, como eres un vago y aun no te has unido a mi pequena guerra particular te voy a dar un 1 de puntuacion... Luego, a lo mejor, te subo la nota..
Photo By: Oui Lee
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/19/2006 3:54:46 PM
What an amazing city... reminds me of NY but with more human proportions.. Love the place.
Photo By: Stan Ciszek
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/19/2006 3:34:47 PM
Thanks Michelle.. you are obviously an animal lover, please follow this link for a different perspective on the picture.
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/18/2006 5:11:19 PM
En espanol o en chino... muchas gracias Ruth... espero que no se ofenda por el comentario el gilipollas este que me acaba de dejar una perla. Mamon...
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/18/2006 10:07:15 AM
Hi Ahmed...
Well.. have a look at the link I sent... until the end, grab the phone and call any of the numbers. Tell them you know what they are up to and that the world is watching. By the way.. I left that place with the irish setter and this dog under my arms (they were incredibly light).. they tried to stop me but they should have known better. The two dogs are now in intensive care at our shelter. Give me a hand... go to that link, watch the whole thing and then give them a call.. or send them an email..
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/18/2006 8:54:50 AM
That blue is the shadow of a passing-by fairy...
Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/18/2006 8:47:37 AM
Many thanks Gayle... well see...
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/18/2006 8:47:05 AM
Hi Derya... I live in Turkey but my turkish is cok kotu... yavas yavas...
Many thanks for writing to those people... emails... calls to the responsible people in that shelter (you have their numbers in that presentation...) everything is a step forward towards stopping their crimes.
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/16/2006 2:27:12 PM
Venga.. a cargarte con tus fotos el mito de que Espana es un pais de colores... ni de cona.. la nuestra es una nacion futuristica en la que solo existen dos colores... el rojo y el negro (el blanco es la ausencia de color asi que...) Genial.
Photo By: kike Calvo
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/16/2006 2:25:44 PM
Descojonante el momento!!!! la venganza de los ositos al mearse sobre la espalda del humano.. muy muy buena y me alegro de que estes de vuelta que se te echaba de menos...
Photo By: kike Calvo
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/12/2006 2:50:50 PM
aplastados al volar inadvertidos contra el muro...
Photo By: Oui Lee
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/12/2006 9:42:51 AM
Wonderful.. read you achieve those textures by hand... what can I say... keep those hands out of trouble! Best Ivan
Photo By: Benedetto Riba
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/12/2006 9:40:51 AM
Beautiful. Your treatment rends the image both detailed and dreamy at the same time. It is very interesting...
Photo By: Benedetto Riba
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/12/2006 9:33:38 AM
Very nice.. having said that I think it would have been even better if you had gotten closer to the lady, maybe just right behind her, showing her reaction facing the tree. As a rule... get closer... and then some more. Hug Ivan
Photo By: a. M.
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/12/2006 4:02:35 AM
Muy buena!.. es complicado tomar fotos a esa hora y con el sol de frente pero mira por donde en esta ocasion te ha venido ayudar aportando a esa nina un cierto toque de locura..
Photo By: r u t h d r io
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/12/2006 3:56:31 AM
Hi Carlen, I see you got your levels adjusted as Larry sugested.. Now you are going to work more on composition. You should ask yourself, what am I trying to tell with this image? is it the power of the river, capable to break that wall? is it the darkness of the waters? is it the fact that fall is here and soon leaves will start to turn? What is it? once you have that answer it is just a question of telling the story, and you will do that through a good composition... and then you adjust those levels..
Photo By: Carlen Boersema
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/12/2006 3:48:25 AM
Que gracioso el guili... soy un fotografo no un dominguero. Habia mucha luz y hacia calor, cierto, pero de ahi a necesitar una sombrilla... que mas necesito? una fiambrera? una nevera para las cervezas? una hamaca?
Joder.. los hay comodos.. eheeheh
ok, en serio.. no.. no parasol, este fin de semana me pillo uno, si bien a mi me gusta tambien el efecto a veces incordia. Debe estar usefilm lleno de puristas porque 23 visitas y ningun comentario hasta el tuyo.. les debe de dar asco la image. Enfin..
Respecto a los botes... si, lo pense, pero los deje para reforzar el efecto de que esa no es una playa donde van los turistas normales (acaso soy yo de esos?), es una playa situada a los pies de una favela, lo que explica la actitud de los chavales. Imagino que esto tambien jode a los puristas, que abogan por playas blancas y limpias, lo que ocurre es que esas, o estan desiertas con la consecuente falta de sujeto humano o perruno o estan hasta la bandera de gente, incluyendo vendedores de helados, chiringuitos de playa, etc.. es dificil encontrar un termino medio...
Un abrazo
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/7/2006 6:28:13 PM
y porque cono te escribo yo a ti en ingles???
Photo By: Ezequiel Lozada
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/7/2006 6:26:22 PM
Great composition and a very willing model. Just returned from Brazil, thought about venturing into one of the favelas and then I thought... ummmm.... better not! Love the style of brazilian grafitti.... real masterpieces, very different to the graphics based grafitti of some european cities. Wonderful country, amazing city.
Photo By: Ezequiel Lozada
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/7/2006 4:38:00 PM
Muy buena... siempre me incordia un poco la distorsion de ese tipo de perspectivas pero bien.. muy bien.. Calorcillo en NY en Agosto verdad? A quien se le ocurre...
Photo By: Oui Lee