Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/26/2005 12:15:59 AM
Very well done! I love it!
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/26/2005 12:14:17 AM
A lovely image. The color and detail are very good. The black background and the frame really add to the image.
Photo By: Ellen Havrilla
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/26/2005 12:12:19 AM
Holly, I just added my web site url to my profile. Tried to send it to you here, but it never showed up!
Photo By: Lea Mulqueen
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/22/2005 9:55:04 PM
Steven, to me this is an image with lots of potential, but it needs some editing work. I've played with it a little, 1st straightening it, then adjusting the colors to give it more life. I hope you don't mind!'
Photo By: Stephen Bivens
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/22/2005 9:36:56 PM
Beautiful. It all works...the pretty baby with the great smile, the fluffy rug and the black background, combined with excellent lighting. Very nice!
Photo By: Phil Cassell
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/22/2005 9:34:51 PM
Interesting scene. Nice symetrical composition. I like how your small aperature gave a star effect to the sun.
Photo By: Chuck Freeman
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/22/2005 9:25:19 PM
Nice shot. I think the hand grenade is actually an eternal flame...churches usually aren't big on windows picturing bombs ;- )
Photo By: Paul Lara
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/22/2005 9:23:01 PM
Well done! So...you took your camera to the movies?!
Photo By: Paul Lara
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/22/2005 9:12:37 PM
I have to agree with Ellen, that white line doesn't work...it spoils the clean look. Easy enough to clone out! Otherwise, a nice clean image. Interesting frame.
Photo By: Joe Ciccone
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/22/2005 9:08:59 PM
Absolutely beautiful! Wish I were there!!
Photo By: John Loreaux
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/22/2005 8:59:05 PM
Karen, perhaps the green tones in this image were done by you for effect, but I don't think the green color works here. I have rotated the image to straighten the horizon (which meant I had to crop it a little) and played with the color a bit in Elements. Hope you don't mind!
Photo By: Karen Ambrose
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/22/2005 11:00:38 AM
Thanks for your comment, Jacinthe. Yes, it is very real...no manipulation here.
Photo By: Lea Mulqueen
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/15/2005 12:58:45 PM
It reminds me of an old masters portrait. It shows a lot about your subject. Well done! The only thing I don't like is the wall hanging...it's too bright and gaudy compared to the rich and elegant tones of everything else...but, I suppose she made it and wanted it included! Never argue with a customer!
Photo By: Terrence Kent
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/12/2005 11:52:37 AM
I like this series a lot, and think the featured critique was excellent. This one bothers me a little, not because of the cut off legs (which is strange, because usually cut off legs usually make me crazy!) but because of the models posture. I think, had her left shoulder not been hunched over, it would be a much better shot. The model is beautiful, the bags colorful, the lighting is very good but I really don't like the position of her left shoulder.
Photo By: Dale Ann Cubbage
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/11/2005 1:04:17 PM
My camera has the capacity to do multiple exposures (most digis, do not). I just set my camera to expose 2-9 (my choice) shots on 1 frame of film. Then I calculate the exposure accordingly.
Photo By: Lea Mulqueen
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/10/2005 10:53:33 PM
Great capture. I love the backlighting on his tail feathers.
Photo By: James Bambery
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/10/2005 10:50:39 PM
Very nice. Creative and romantic.
Photo By: mandy welsh
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/10/2005 10:49:15 PM
oooooh....nice! And I don't see any dust or scratches!
Photo By: AJ Miller
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/10/2005 8:52:24 PM
Lovely image. The Stargazer lily is one of my favorites.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/10/2005 8:49:22 PM
Lovely sunset, Ben. What are the poles? One looks like a ladder...the rest are? Whatever they are, they make an intersting freground.
Photo By: Ben Mok
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/10/2005 2:51:40 PM
Hi Jim, I will post the web address, but, as you know, it may take a while to be visible, since all web addresses seem to be vetted.
Photo By: ian pearson
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/10/2005 10:40:10 AM
A lovely portrait with beautiful light. I don't know what editing effect you used, but it worked well.
Photo By: Tamara L
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/10/2005 10:38:27 AM
Nice shot...it made me laugh.
Photo By: Hussam Abdul Nour
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/10/2005 10:36:44 AM
Great timing....nice shot!
Photo By: Marcus Armani
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/10/2005 10:35:40 AM
A fun and creative wedding shot! And yes, the gloomy weather does give nice ligt and color. Good one!
Photo By: Louise Vessey
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/10/2005 10:33:09 AM
Amna, I just looked through your portfolio. What talent you have! You are able to convey emotion is almost every image. No snapshots, here! All well planned and executed. I hope someday you get your wish of becoming a pro. photographer. You have the talent, that's for sure!
Photo By: Amna Al Shamsi
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/10/2005 10:15:08 AM
Wow...a fabulous place AND a fabulous image. I'm looking hard and trying to find something to critique...but it seems pretty close to perfect to me....Ahhh found it! Next time tell the gardener to clip off the dead bloom on the iris in the front! ;-) ...just kidding! Hope you and your wife have a great birthday/anniversary dinner!
Photo By: Chris Spracklen
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/10/2005 10:01:58 AM
Interesting effect. I think the top the 2/3's looks pretty good...but it didn't work as well on the bottom part (the trees). It is relaxing and fun to play with filters, etc in PS, isn't it? ;- )
Photo By: Joe Ciccone
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/10/2005 9:57:21 AM
Congratulations on your well deserved awards. Lots of interesting things to look at in this well composed image.
Photo By: Haris Calkic
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
7/10/2005 9:53:47 AM
Georgous sky, nice color and composition. I bet it's awfully hot in those tin shacks.
Photo By: Heath Bennett