Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 2/1/2006
Thanks very much Elisa, most people wouldn't know what that is, so that's why I wrote, otherwise it can be anything :) Hugs, Ina
{K:26787} 2/1/2006
Thanks for the in-depth about! It was worth the repost ~ the compo being better here. A beautiful and fascinating shot! *hugs*
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 2/1/2006
Hi Michael, and thanks for your comment, I got to Old Faithful just before sunset, "last show" in daylight, at about 8 PM EST. The place was packed with people, I had no idea how to plan the shots, and thus nothing spectacular, this is the beginning of the eruption. I have about 5 shots, it wasn't a great eruption anyway, and they all look very washed-out; this one had a bit more contrast so I decided to turn it to B & W, in color it's light grey over a light grey sky. The black covers the forest in the background, and isolates a few stray drops. Maybe if I ever go again, I'll go earlier, but most of my better pictures are from Mammoth Springs. Again, there are exposure problems, and I have to PS the hot spots, so I decided to post newer pictures meanwhile :) I'll send you a note when I'll put more Yellowstone shots on UF, I agree it's hard to be original - especially if you stay on the beaten path, which I did, being there for the first time!
Michael Kanemoto
{K:22115} 1/31/2006
Ina -
Good choices so far since I've been there about 14 times...
It may seem easy, but you will find it difficult to post something original, that is not like the thousands of other people who have been through. Even William H. Jackson had his shot at documenting Yellowstone, so you have some good company.
This strikes me as original, and I like it.
Michael Kanemoto
{K:22115} 1/31/2006
I love to see different interpretations of the same locale, and Old Faitful is well documented across usefilm.
(it's the most spectacular geyser that is common and predictable)
This crop is better, lovely.
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/30/2006
Very many thanks dear Robert! Best regards, Ina
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/29/2006
Hello Hugo, and thanks for your comment! This is the small beginning of a big eruption, the rest of the pictures are vertical taller sprays, but lack droplet detail. This was the last daylight "show" at 8PM, and the pictures are not particularly interesting in color. This geyser had very little or no color deposits on the rocks surrounding it, as far as I can see. I know what you mean though by the colorful slime, I have documented that on most other pools, ranging from green to orange. I just decided to stop posting old Yellowstone until I post these newer pictures taken yesterday. I also find - and this is my personal opinion, that in a place like that, it's just too easy to take pictures, it's being like a kid in a candy store :) Cheers, Ina
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/29/2006
Thank you very much Mitchell, this only the beginning of an eruption, it gets to over 100 feet, I have some vertical shots, but somehow I liked this one more for contrast, the others look like a big plume of smoke :)
Mitchell Miller
{K:3009} 1/29/2006
wow!! amazing capture!!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 1/29/2006
Hi Ina, good decision of reposting this. Don't think there's a need for pano's with this. The lighting and tones are (as usual, spot on...)
I'm fascinated by these geothermal eruptions.... The tone (ie: the lack of colour) does somehow take it out of it's natural perspective; the tones of the algae around those geysers seem to recreate the scent of sulphur for me. I've only seen the ones in Iceland, but I really would like to see the Old Faithful.
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/29/2006
Thanks Paul, I reposted this and switched crops. I also have a number of vertical shots when the eruption was higher, but this one showed more contrast :) Best regards, Ina
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/29/2006
Thanks Tracey, there are many geysers in Yellowstone, but this one really shoots up. I have some other shots of it but this one had more contrast, it's at the beginning of the eruption, it went much higher :) Best regards, Ina
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 1/28/2006
Thanks for sharing this with us Ina, I have heard of this and I think seen it in a documentry. This is a awesome shot such detail and is good in b/w regards Tracey..
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 1/28/2006
Yeah, I like the off-center crop best.
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/28/2006
Thanks Alan, re: left leaning, in a strictly visual sense (!) you can also flip an image if you find that they're all left leaning. If doesn't distort reality (i.e. a landscape or building) and it doesn't contain any text, I sometimes use a mirror image :) Best regards, Ina
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/28/2006
Thanks very much Gary, I found the original a bit bland, like a fountain shot, but the B & W really brought out the steam and the splashes. I'm still enjoying the summer weather in Ontario, it's up to +14C and sunny - incredible! Best regards, Ina
Alan Shaffer
{K:5873} 1/28/2006
Ina, I like the left focused shot better, but then the last 3-4 photos that I've posted have all had the point of focus hard left so I am on a left leaning kick myself. Art reflects life. ;-)
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 1/28/2006
wow an amzing view from yellostone this ia a magic place! thanks for sharing!
Gary Dyck
{K:12834} 1/28/2006
cool shot, Ina!! I would have to agree that this one has much more impact!! Has a certain surreal aspect to it. Well done. Cheers, Gary
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/28/2006
I do love both! Great phenomena of nature with well toning view. Splendid, exciting details, love the really fine tones and soft water drops. I admire your craetivity dear friend, always change your theme with style. Very inspiring and spectacular work as usual dear! Thank you so much for your sharing. Really fine scene, great photograph! Well done! :) 7+++
My best wishes! Robert
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/28/2006
Good Luck! I hope you pass it with flying colors! And turn that darn computer off, please!
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 1/28/2006
Oh gee Ina...I'm sorry you reposted on my account because there may be others who will like the centred position. Sometimes when people post one then attach an alternative the feelings are often mixed. Anyway...will be interesting to see what others think.
I may not be around for a few days so I may miss your next few posts. I have to study for the Oregon drivers written test (ugh) so will have to stay away from the computer to sit the test next week. Most boring book in the world. zzzzzzz
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/28/2006
Hi Ann, and thanks for writing! I was torn between these two cuts, and the 6:4 one was a better composition as you said, but it loses the ground slope. I darkened the background in PS, for more contrast, it looks like a night shot, but it's an evening (8 PM) shot. There are bleachers around it and people come an hour early to occupy a good seat. I got there when it was packed, and this is one of five shots I got, the rest being vertical shots with a taller eruption. This is at the beginning. After 94 minutes it would have been dark. You would love to see this, it's incredible! There were no stinky gases, as I remember :)Cheers, Ina
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/28/2006
Ann Nida's comment: ___________________
Hi Ina,
Another fascinating place I haven't yet been to but I'll get there one day. Thanks for the great and informative description in your "about". It must really tweak all the senses when it erupts. I mean it's one thing to watch it explode so high up into the air but the sounds must also be quite awesome and then I'm wondering if it has a hint of a sulphur like aroma in the air?
I've looked at both and I have to say that I like the second with the off centred position of the geyser. It gives the steam more space to flow off to the right. The monotone makes this quite dynamic and very powerful. Your PS work makes it look like you lurked around there at night to take this shot. Did you? :) A very effective and all powerful image Ina. Great work and very interesting.
Cheers - Ann :)
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/28/2006
I have reposted this one - thanks Ann Nida for the feedback! The first post was a wide format, the eruption was too centered :) See below.
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