Barbara Kite
{K:6977} 3/4/2010
girl you are so funny, I guess you do love Gene, well gene is going to need a lots of honey. BK
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 9/20/2007
Well, this is an adventure you probably didn't expect, huh? Glad you got out with no real problems. I can see I'll have my hands full when you come here...lol.:)
jessie voigts
{K:6772} 9/19/2007
oh, gene, you naughty. you know it is all a ploy for honey. great shots, gayle!
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 9/11/2007
Peacefully of course...peacefully....
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 9/11/2007
HE DID IT DIDN'T HE!!!! He swung that sign....no? Oh well, there's always next time ;P
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 9/10/2007
Oh my! Lucky for you I know Gayle's 'got your back' on this one! You need a permit to assemble peacefully?? I suppose raucous assemblies don't need permits? Hmmmmm . . . seems strange. Released after dentention . . . I guess that doesn't go on any sort of arrest record then? Perhaps a simple letter to your Congresswoman might have been better?
Anyway . . . if you did nothing wrong, spoke your mind freely and don't mind . . . it may have been worth it as a learning experience, huh? You have to (HAVE to) do what you think is right . . . not what others tell you is right. And don't let's get into the honey raid conversation again . . . you know that's a different thing! :P
Thanks for keeping out of trouble . . . well . . . out of jail Gayle!! Peace-types gotta stick together! :P
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 9/8/2007
yeah,you are right!...she should have popped a flash,but nooooo,she is so anti-flash with very few exceptions....thanks again for peeking out my WA adventure...Gayle has a few more shots to upload that show me exploring the property where she n' rivvie pup live...said her limit is up for today,so check back tomorrow,or when you can
peace,bay bay ~Gene
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 9/8/2007
hehehe... You should have flashed it, paparazzi style!!! lmao! Hey Gene, hope you managed to steer clear of the 300 pound gangster named Cecil (there's always one in every cell).