City - Goldfield Mine State - AZ Country - United States
For the past two years, I have been developing a style of photography with my partner that we call "Chevronné Photography". The word chevronné (pronounced, “sheu vruh nay”) is a French word meaning “seasoned, practiced or experienced” and it describes the interesting and often stunningly beautiful wearing-down of man-made objects as they are subjected to the forces of time and nature. Simply put, the subject of Chevronné Photography is that which is “made by man and seasoned by nature”; man-made objects that have been left to the elements which in turn begin the natural process of taking back what man has borrowed.
It’s not uncommon to pass a subject of Chevronné and see an old, dirty, rusted and broken-down object, machine or building and think nothing of it except, perhaps, to remove it from your view as quickly as possible. Most people will look at these things and see them as worthless because they can no longer perform their original functions or as blights that simply remind us of decay and deterioration. However, when one shifts their perspective from one of function to one of art, the object has suddenly transcended its original design and becomes a somewhat accidental thing of extraordinary beauty. Looking a little closer, we can see that unmistakable finger-print of divine Creation as it recreates its natural beauty in the form of cracking, pitting, rust, corrosion and discoloration. With this comes the multitude of unexpected and surprisingly beautiful combinations of textures and color as they devolve back into nature.
Nice job on this.....I like the colors and tones. The shallow dof works really good. Your lighting and exposure or point on.....Well composed with excellent details and textures....