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Fortress Limerick!
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Image Title:  Fortress Limerick!
Favorites: 0 
 By: Daithí O' Donoghue  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Daithí O' Donoghue {Karma:838}
Project N/A Camera Model Nikon N8008s
Categories Cityscape
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Sigma 24 mm wideangle with polariser
Uploaded 5/7/2004 Film / Memory Type Fuji  Superia
    ISO / Film Speed 200
Views 495 Shutter 1/125
Favorites Aperture f/11
Critiques 9 Rating
/ 2 Ratings
Location City - 
State - 
Country - Ireland   Ireland
About This is the ancient castle in Limerick built way back in the 12th century and known as King John's castle. It has a formidable history, being the site where Sarsfield and some 14,000 soldiers were laid siege to by Williamite forces in the 17th century. Now of course, it's a tourist trap in the old part of the city and is even being used for concerts (about time too I say!) Anyway, the swan seemed to be oblivious!
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There are 9 Comments in 1 Pages
Daithí O' Donoghue   {K:838} 5/8/2004
Hi Bren,

not hung over at all thank God, but had a really great sleep and a lazy Saturday morning! I have the same photoshop as you. Thanks for the info. on what you did and yes, the colours do look more vibrant after your adjustment was made!!

Must dash now and learn about toxicology!!!



bren sheehan   {K:1359} 5/8/2004
Hey Daithí

Hope you're not too hung over today. Briefly, what I did in Photoshop (I'm using version 7.0 BTW, not sure if it's the same in yours) was open Image/Adjustments/Color Balance... A little box pops up with three sliders for the various colour elements and three buttons underneath for selecting Shadows, Midtones and Highlights. I selected Midtones and played with the top and bottom sliders a bit 'til I got where I wanted. Can't remember the exact adjustments, but I increased the Red and Blue. Then using the Burn tool with a large brush, I burned in the sky a bit more. You may notice that by increasing the reds, the walls and grass look a little more vibrant too.

As for California - the sun, the babes and the tequilla. Need I say more!


Daithí O' Donoghue   {K:838} 5/8/2004
Hi Bren,

just back from the local (it's on campus about a minute from the lab I work in!) and I must say the balancing you've done is a more honest reflection of the day it was! The sky was as impressive as you're adjustment makes it look. You're impression of my impression is the way it looked on the day!!

I'm not too familiar with the things that can be done in photoshop so maybe you could let me know what you did exactly sometime. From the (drunken) looks of things you isolated the sky and deepened the colour a bit. Am I right??

I must sign off now as I definitely had a pint on your behalf and typing is diffffffficult after a few!!


PS I'm presuming you drink Guinness when the opportunity arises. Well, that's what I've been drinking and it makes typing a slow thing - czech for mistakes in slpeilllingss!! GOODNIGHT (or good evenign from yuro pesrpecitve!)


PPS what makes an irishman live in California???


Ursula Luschnig Ursula Luschnig   {K:21723} 5/7/2004
Stunning clear,great colours,and the view is wonderful.Best regards,Ursula


Phil M Phil M   {K:11526} 5/7/2004
Nice shot! Not been to Limerick, only driven past - maybe I will have to stop the next time! :)


bren sheehan   {K:1359} 5/7/2004
Sorry Daithí, I should have been more specific. The blue sky seems off colour, not as a result of the picture taking, but in the scanning process. Where did you get them scanned? If they are as grainy as you say (which shouldn't be an issue with the film you are using), Then they were scanned at a very low resolution, probably using an automated process to control the colour balance too. I'd use the Colour Balance tool in Photoshop to make it more natural and deeper looking. Hey, but that's just my opinion. You're the photographer. Anyway to explain what I mean I did a quick adjustment here myself, hope you don't mind. You should be able to do a better job with the original.

BTW I'm from Gorey, Co. Wexford, but at the moment I'm living in California. Have a pint for me while your out. Slainte, Bren.


Carlheinz Bayer   {K:14220} 5/7/2004
Awesome! Looks like a mixture between an old picture and a memory. Fantastic mood. Very appealing. Cheers! Carlheinz


Daithí O' Donoghue   {K:838} 5/7/2004
Hi again Bren,

god I'd better get off the internet as I'm meant to be finishing an experiment in my lab before doing the sociable and having a Guinness supper!

Anyway, back to the central issue: the photo. I got the negatives scanned for this roll of film and was really disappointed with them. Every shot seems grainy on the computer. As for the blues, I'm not sure I get you, but would like to clarify that I used a polariser on the lens (most of the time I have one on actually). I also adjusted the levels of the photo with photoshop as the scanned negative seemed incredibly harsh with the lighting.

Finally: YES over and over and over and over and over again. I've yet though to capture the photo at sunset as I'm usually working around that time, my lab is on the other side of the city! Someday though, someday!!

PS where are you from by the way?


bren sheehan   {K:1359} 5/7/2004
Nice exposure here too. I think the blues may have gone a little funny during the scan though, easy fix in Photoshop. Composition is great. This is one of those scenes that you can keep going back to and photograph over and over. Try one just after sunrise and just before sunset and watch those colours jump out at you. Nice work.




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