{K:3054} 10/12/2004
great!excellent shot!
Lucy Bernadette
{K:5806} 10/6/2004
glad to have you back mary. i like this sequence!
Olga Vareli
{K:22477} 10/5/2004
Fantastic!I believe that such images are worth of praise because it shows many aspects of one's personality.Kids' faces are not so unfamiliar to us.People are basically the same and life goes on, and we grow up but some expressions will always remain the same.The awkward smile, the cunning smile and the irritated smile...
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 10/5/2004
Thank you Hugo! Soch a comment from you makes me blush, I do not know if I deseve it!! I might post more portraits of children today as you would like to see more. It is one of my favourite topics (and one of my sister's topics: Olga Melissa, you can spot her here in usefilm). I am also glad I found all of you back, i had missed you though i had a look at your photos once in a while!
my respect
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 10/5/2004
No my dear Bradley, my dark side is always alert....I would not call it dark, it is just a subconscious part, yet to be discovered...More photos are waiting as I constantly work on new projects. i agree with what you said about the people who are dead inside, but I come to thing that I care not for these lost souls...do the NEED to take with them innocent souls?? Anger fills me and I also see the death of children in any country as symbolic as children represent what is fresh and has the potential to bloom and change the world. Killing children is a stab in the back.... have a sweet day!!
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 10/5/2004
Merci Drilan, vos commentaires me rendent toujours heureux. Je suis heureux j'ai trouvé le tou encore ! !
Ann Texter
{K:10064} 10/5/2004
Hi Mary, A beautiful tribute with this photograph... glad you are back. :) Ann
drilan P drilan
{K:12030} 10/5/2004
Content de vous retrouver Miss ; ils sont beaux ces trois visages qui forment un tout harmonieux. Et les deux autres photos aussi. drilan
Aris Michalopoulos / OsirisiS
{K:1916} 10/4/2004
Welcome back Mary . Missed you. Kisses, Aris
Bradley Prue
{K:30678} 10/4/2004
Mary, Those that chose to bring harm to innocent people (especially children) have died already, inside. They have no moral, spiritual, or social value whatsoever, and I have no use for them. I wish it was as simple as shoveling them up, and dispensing them into the crevices that they belong. I chose to celebrate life, and the wonderful people who share themselves in so many ways, with others. This three-shot set is wonderfully odd, in that I see such warmth, even with the stark contrast...normally a difficult task. You have captured their tender personalities without warm colors, soft filters, or any of the usual aids. I DO hope that you do not totally abandon your dark, mysterious, moody side...... I found it to be visually stimulating, and very fresh! Glad you're back!... Brad
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 10/4/2004
Hi Mary, good to have you back. I've read your long editorial about your feelings and experiences with alot of interest.
Not so much a surprise, but more a very interesting coincidence; the same concept visualised in a similar way; the mood as well as the contrast between lights and dark tones, or the outer calmth with the inner turmoil is very well visualised. I think the presentation of the tree photos in one image is very effective, expressing the various fascets of the psyche. Maybe I'm getting carried away here, but these thoughts raced through my mind as I selected the three images I'm using for my triptych.
I enjoy looking at the differences too; the way a similar idea / concept is translated into a series of images with only the "dialect" and personal style to tell them apart.
Photographically, I like the hard contrast you used. A bit harder than in mine, which is, I think, also a bit more effective. Also the shift in prespective between the three individual shots works well, creating a harmonious overview.
Very well done, and, again, good to have you back! I think this is a fabulous series. Hope you have more to come!
Carlheinz Bayer
{K:14220} 10/4/2004
Yes, love that! The shadows create a great atmosphere here. The three works together very well. Like the toning. Welcome back! C.
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 10/4/2004
This format is good for storytelling. The hard light works very well and I think part of the success comes from showing a sequence taken in what I presume is nearly the same location for all three kids. Welcome back :-)
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 10/4/2004
My sweet Ian , thanx for letting me know! Amazing...maybe you would like to read my comment to dearest Hugo's work!!
bye and thanx again!
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 10/4/2004
Wow. A joy. Have you seen Hugo's work with similar concept (safety coming from darkness http://www.usefilm.com/image/567090.html ). I was wondering about mentioning my anxiety re greece but thought I should keep quiet about it and just celebrate rather than express concern. Better energy from doing that.
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 10/4/2004
I missed you too dear, I wanted to send an e-mail to you but you can't believe what I had to do all this time!! I am not so blue and at the same time I will always be blue...(my surreal contradictions again)I look forward to see all your new photos, new for me!! Lots of kisses my fairy queen!!!
cecilia tovini
{K:29423} 10/4/2004
Nice composition and nice expression of children. Cecilia
{K:30945} 10/4/2004
Oh dear Mary. so long no see. I did miss you! SO glad you are back now with this marvellous message for CHILDREN and with this beautiful photograph of your students.Excellent my dear. And dont be so BLUE! Kiss and I am so happy you are back! YOur friend, Biliana