Giulio Rotelli
{K:28441} 1/13/2006
il tuo portfolio ha foto che si superano di continuo per bellezza ed efficacia... anche questo scatto lascia senza parole... Il CANADA deve essere un posto meraviglioso dove vivere... 7/7 ( come sempre )
Ehdae (Abullha AL Hazza)
{K:4725} 3/8/2005
As always fantastic photo.
Carsten Ranke
{K:14476} 2/27/2005
You mastered the digital medium, for sure ;-) Thanks for posting such a great landscape, an example for me to learn. It shows us that it is not the camera or the lens, but the photographer who makes the shot... Artistic use of perspective and camera position, superb interaction of warm and cold colors, snow exposed spot-on. What would you expect from medium format with Velvia here to be better ? Perhaps larger prints, ok. BTW, why f/16 ? The lens is at its best @14 mm with about f/8, as shown in the review on luminous-landscape.com. The hyperfocal with f/8 is 0,8 m, DOF goes from 0,45 m to infinite with an APS-C sensor DSLR. You dont have to stop down to f/16 for great DOF with this lens. My nit-pick is the horizon, slightly shifted (minor issue, of course).

Roger Williams
{K:86139} 2/27/2005
Two surprises, Patrick. A digital camera, and landscape format. But the touch is the same! I should have expected it. You could take beautiful photos with a pinhole, I bet.
Beverley Lu Latter
{K:513} 2/26/2005
Great work Patrick! Beautiful. It looks like it was very cold :)
Alex Billington
{K:1260} 2/26/2005
I absolutely love your work. My friend just got a 10-22 lens for his 20D and I had the chance to even look through the viewfinder and the angle you get is simple astounding. I wish I had such environments and landscapes and locations to visit in order to capture such beauty. I hope I have the chance to visit around the world to various places to capture this sort of beauty found in your photos. I am inspired both as a person and as a photographer by your photographic work.
Petal Wijnen
{K:50989} 2/25/2005
Super shot!! Great composition and colors!! Good idea to take this shot from a 'low viewpoint'.... But if you don't mind: I won't come, far too cold for me.... ;0
Latif alobaida
{K:5005} 2/25/2005
Wonderful Sun and crispy photo...
Love it
Iltcho K
{K:984} 2/25/2005
Beautuful photo. Congrats
Debarshi Duttagupta
{K:26815} 2/25/2005
Superb shot.
Francesco Martini
{K:12249} 2/25/2005
Rob Graziano
{K:6678} 2/25/2005
Great Shot! Great Composition!
Sherif Nashaat
{K:946} 2/25/2005
Spectacular shot,
Regards Sherif Nashaat
Bart Aldrich
{K:7614} 2/25/2005
Another gem!
Bakir Brkanic
{K:2160} 2/25/2005
Excellent shot, very nice lighting and great colors.
Best regards, Bakir
Shane O'Neill
{K:3054} 2/25/2005
great sharpness and contrast
José Vasconcelos Dias
{K:9341} 2/25/2005
Fantastic shot!!! Congrats
Giovanni Allievi
{K:1052} 2/25/2005
Super-great. 7 & favorite. Ciao.
Cary Shaffer
{K:9269} 2/25/2005
Gorgeouas, great technical work, CAry
Romy Fabian Garmaz
{K:17105} 2/25/2005
Patrick. Very nice shot. Excellent filter used. Romy
Marusnik Bela
{K:11611} 2/25/2005
Outstanding landscape with wonderful tones.Nice capture!Congrats!
Vlad Sournine
{K:2397} 2/25/2005
Wonderful colours/composition/light... Very very good shot...
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 2/25/2005
welcome back Patrick, a great black Hole, seems caused from the warmth from the sun. but the air is icy. optimal the contrast of the three colors, only the red , the white and the black !! I appreciate also the sky little that you have left. extends the horizon very! cheers roby
Maria Rys
{K:177} 2/25/2005
The lighting is splendid!
Patrick Di Fruscia
{K:486} 2/25/2005
Hi barry thanks for the comment. ti answer your question I still have to get used to it. To me nothing will beat velvia and I am even considering medium format now. Not sure I can acheive the level of quality I am looking for with the 20D. But maybe It is just a learning curve and I need to master the digital medium
Sigit Prasetio
{K:354} 2/25/2005
Excellent! 7 for sure :)
Barry Wakelin
{K:7838} 2/25/2005
Fantastic light and colours as ever. How are you finding the 20D? Are you getting the resolution you need for your landscapes?
Mark Wozniak
{K:444} 2/25/2005
Fantastic shot. Great title too...obviously a Soundgarden fan.... , and congratulations on the web sites. I aspire to take photos of the quality that is consistently portrayed in your gallery and on your sites..really amazing stuff. This is what I want my portfolio to look like...amazing shots like yours. Kudos.
{K:4764} 2/25/2005
Very nice shot. Congrats.
Ayse Altan
{K:3905} 2/25/2005
very impressive scene. Nicely captured. coog shot !
Yuri Bonder
{K:268} 2/25/2005
7 Excellent