z z
{K:7231} 7/13/2007
This is a very soft and glowing work. I love the delicately placed leaves and the sepia with the fall colors is fantastic. Well done Art!
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 7/13/2006
can ya now?! ;> ...LOL...here is another you may appreciate:http://www.usefilm.com/image/959984.html
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 7/13/2006
Feedback?? Ok . . . here's some. WOW! I can totally appreciate the "Art" image . . .
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 6/12/2006
Before i send e about your big oops!...i will tell you that you did comment briefly on this one and you are under Clifton's comment ;>
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 6/12/2006
How did I miss this photo? Especially since it's the one you were generous enough to share. (I blame you, for not steering me this way earlier) ;)
This is really strong, Gayle! Knowing what the base image looked like, I'm very impressed. So, if this is a test..then yes, please do more of this and 'Catch and Release' to express your artistic moods...becuase you certainly have a knack for it, Gayle!
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 6/7/2006
Thanks,Chris!...and thanks for the compliment...i have created art thru various art mediums all of my life,so nice to hear that my photo-art appeals to some,too ;>
Chris Boivin
{K:9030} 6/7/2006
Beautiful Gayle. The colours and presentation are wonderful. You have great artistic skills. Super PS work. Chris
David Hofmann
{K:22223} 12/5/2005
very beautiful work!
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 10/30/2005
AS a "leaf woman" i can appreciate this Gayle! ;D
{K:4192} 10/28/2005
Gayle, Wonderful photo!! I love the color (as I do each autumn), the form of the lady enticingly covered, the almost silhouette quality. Beautiful work!! Etienne
Tim Long
{K:9228} 10/28/2005
Great work, Gayle. Photography is the base for Lady, but it is your painterly vision and talent that makes this image unique and seductive. Photoart indeed. You're demonstrating the power and potential of the digital darkroom. To paraphrase another immensely talented colleague; (Isn't this what ps is for??????????????????????! -Tim
Bradley Prue
{K:30678} 10/27/2005
Your choice of two critiques:
1. This is such a soft, touching mix of natures colors and textures. The vibrant leaves, their life has passed.... and the mellow skin tones, in their prime. An intoxicating and provocative combination....
2. Stupid leaves...Covering all the good stuff!!
Erik Neldner
{K:10846} 10/25/2005
art indeed! it took me awhile to find the female form in the frame. the interaction between human and leaves is quite subtle. nice!!
Eleisa Martin
{K:2569} 10/24/2005
This is beautiful Gayle. I'm not sure how you did it but you did an excellent job. The colors and fantastic. Eleisa
Todd Miller
{K:16464} 10/24/2005
nicely done Gayle. this is really a gorgeous work, lovely art indeed. nature as one, no differentiating between human and plant. i like it. whatever you did to soften the female body down to just the essentials is great too...almost looks painted.
- -
{K:6282} 10/24/2005
Got my other breast now :) but there's leaves on it! Just kidding, this is great postwork you've done, Gayle. Beautiful autumnal palette. /H
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 10/24/2005
hey you! i should have checked with you before writing my about because those lyrics are perfect for this image!...Thanks,bud! ~honeychild
Mark Julian
{K:36866} 10/23/2005
Walking through the LEAVES, falling from the trees Feeling like a stranger nobody sees The emptiness is endless, cold as the clay, you can always come back, but you can't come back all the way Well my ship's been split to splinters and it's sinking fast I'm drowning in the poison, got no future, got no past But my heart is not weary, it's light and it's free I've got nothing but affection for all those who've sailed with me....... "Mississippi" by Bob Dylan (even though the Sheryl Crow version is better musically). Really like what you've done here....
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 10/23/2005
Hi Gayle,
your trip into the special portrait seems to attract quite a lot of attention ;-) Well, congrats for this revealing and not revealing portrait! the composing is very dreamy and lets the fantasy some room. leaves up! for me ;-) (just a joke)
best wishes, Thilo
Peggy Christine Skinner
{K:26936} 10/23/2005
The glorious colour of autumn! Artistic, original and sensual with a diffused grace. The subtle pink tones are exquisite and you have brought a delicate protective quality to the fallen leaves. This really is a work of art, Gayle!
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 10/23/2005
interesting image... like the ps work, appropriate for autumn! thanks for the comment on Inversion.
Darlene Boucher
{K:15739} 10/23/2005
Gorgeous and very creative Gayle! Beautiful work of art! Can't wait to see what you do with Troy's apartment pic!
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 10/22/2005
How no ones see the women in this image at first glance is baffling to me! I saw it right of. This is wonderful work Gayle. You may call this (Lady of the leaves) and its a good name and fitting but I would title it....(Perfection framed)Very very nice!
Carolyn Wiesbrock
{K:14051} 10/22/2005
Difinitely photoart..I love the softness. Absolutely beautiful!
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 10/22/2005
great mix, nice colors.
Iain Macadie
{K:1092} 10/22/2005
Very artistic and with lovely colours and tones.
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 10/22/2005
Now THAT is a cool comp, Gayle!
Clifton Jones
{K:10688} 10/22/2005
BEAUTIFUL......wonderful effect.....this is ART....looks like a painting.....excellent work.......... Clifton..........
Kevin Collier
{K:19076} 10/22/2005
...until I read your about I did not see the woman - it's still early at 4:29 - super color and layering - K
r u t h d r io
{K:4339} 10/22/2005
Very nice, good work!!very soft image.
Kamran Bakhtiari
{K:24048} 10/22/2005
soft,short pome.artwork,soft.
Mark Hamilton
{K:8387} 10/22/2005
Very nice.
Soft delicate and sensual.
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 10/22/2005
Nice... very nice... I personally dont see why any of your gal pals should get offended, with or without leaves...
Cary Shaffer
{K:9269} 10/22/2005
Ok Gayle I will look for them, can't wait!
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 10/22/2005
WOW! thanks for the vote of confidence,Cary! It is new ground for me regarding using the female form,so glad to know some find it appealing... If get the chance,let me know what you think of the first 2 posted over last couple of days...one is under nude females because reveals more even tho' a vintage photoart treatment....
Cary Shaffer
{K:9269} 10/22/2005
Gayle, I'm in love!!!!!!! What a beauty, soft as suade, such a well produced image, you are on top of it! I didn;t even see the woamn until I read the about, and thought it was awesome, after I noticed I couldn't keep my eyes off it, this one should win all the awards!!!! Cary
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 10/22/2005
Gayle this is fantastic. I didn't even notice the female form in there until I read your "about". Oops. This image has wonderful flow and I love the leaves and their shadows. The colours and soft tones are very easy on the eyes. The softness and subtelty is eye catching. Very well done. Cheers - Ann :)
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 10/22/2005
Oh my pleasure Gayle it's wonderful, would love to see more of this stuff, it's in very good taste IMHO and very beautiful...Linda
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 10/22/2005
whew! thank you,Linda! been holding my breath wondering if any of my gal-pals will approve of my latest subject matter...i so don't want to offend anyone,but photoart to me is so much fun and a challenge with using a real female...your feedback is most encouraging and i so appreciate it,Linda...
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 10/22/2005
A B S O L U T E L Y G O R G E O U S....Gayle you are so talented...love this...this goes straight to my favs. Elegant and beautiful...Linda
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 10/22/2005
Whoa! have i just missed your work,or have you been gone like forever? i remember your interesting work and that you were my Canadian neighbor...thanks for comment! this is very new ground for me and trying to get some feedback so can know if it works well enough to continue...always great to have your feedback...will check out your work in a bit...
{K:174} 10/22/2005
My eyes loved looking at this just beautiful
Hanna Segal
{K:13469} 10/22/2005
a beautiful poem for the eye:)
lena gönül
{K:736} 10/22/2005
very nice.
Frances LaGasse
{K:95} 10/22/2005
What a beautiful picture, Well done! Frances