Photographer: Jorg Reif (Karma=16020)
Tiburon, CA USA
About: I am a Biologist who after living for about six years in California's Bay Area has returned to Germany, recently. I am an amateur who took pictures as a kid and juvenile and someone who lost this hobby while pursuing a professional career. I rediscovered photography about two years ago, more than twenty years after selling my earlier photo equipment.I rediscovered taking photos because I finally got the impression that digital photography could start competing with film (... and I finally perceived I should take the time to pick up this endeavour). So, here I am trying to learn from you, cherishing the properties of the internet and its power to create communities. Honest critique plus suggestions to improve is for me far more important than positive ratings. And even more important is the contact and exchange of ideas that this format allows. I will tell you what I think about your photos and it will be always my personal opinion, not meant to be an absolute truth. Regards Jorg.
If you would like to contact me you can do so under e-mail fierjoerg@aol.com. I will be happy to enter in a conversation with you. Your comments, critiques and e-mails are deeply appreciated. Jorg
There are 23 images in 1 Pages