Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 1/26/2006
great nice study and very nice colors
György Szönyi
{K:10011} 1/26/2006
Nice shot and well done with the postprocession. I like the triptich arrangement and this time the margins to make it panoramic don't bother me at all. Perhaps because thay are white as opposed to black and this gives a quality of lightness to the pic. Gyuri
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/25/2006
Thanks Andrzej, I would love to see you on the front page, you certainly have a great portfolio! I'm amazed you didn't get more comments on the Port Dover series, that's strange. Anyway, I think it's a great addition to your portfolio! Best regards, Ina
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/25/2006
Thanks Andrzej, I would love to see you on the front page, you certainly have a great portfolio! I'm amazed you didn't get more comments on the Port Dover series, that's strange. Anyway, I think it's a great addition to your portfolio! Best regards, Ina
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/25/2006
Thanks Jeanette, you could make a great abstract series with those chairs close-up :)))
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 1/25/2006
Nice one - i like the look of alternative process and the framing of the window that make this look like filmstrip of three... Red and white chairs is ot so bad either :)
Andrzej Pradzynski
{K:22541} 1/25/2006
Ina, is it intriquing? Maybe as your commenters often try to make sens of your pictures - but this time for me it's not so important.
I see it as a great exercise of forms and colors in a very plain abstract, both are greately distributed in the layout to balance each other and create stable composition. This is what I prize this work for - the abstract view.
Congratulations for getting FC honors today. Truly deserved, we all love you briliant critique.
Cheers, n.j
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/25/2006
Thanks Ann - first for letting me know about the FP - Obviously I had no idea! So there you have it. I wrote a longer comment to Jeanette, but then I cut it shorter, because I was talking about modern architecture, and not photography. I wish I left it longer, HAD I KNOWN. Second, thanks for your in-depth analysis of this one with the chairs. I thought it was something there, the original shot is not too interesting, it has reflected cars, etc. which I cropped out at the top. The floor pattern is the outside concrete pavers reflected in the glass. I liked the red and white chairs, and you're right, it has that train in motion look! I never thought of that! I was thinking of movie frames, but I love the train idea! Thank you so much Ann!
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 1/25/2006
Hi Ina,
Firstly let me congratulate you on being todays flappy mouth on the front page. Always great to see a friend there.
I do enjoy this image. It makes me think. At first I too thought it was a collage but then I saw the windows get smaller as they go from left to right and going by the floor inside I could see it all seemed to flow as if all one piece inside and only the windows changed. It's quite effective and almost illusional. Very interesting eye you have there to have caught this one. Another give away which showed me it was one frame is the subtle reflection in the last window. I figured if it was a collage the reflection would have been more present in all three windows. It can also look like a passing train to me with the clever motion blur. Great work. Very well done indeed.
Cheers - Ann :)
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/24/2006
Thank you very much Karina for your comments :) It is a more unusual shot, with a more contemporary appeal. Best regards, Ina
Karina Brys
{K:16541} 1/24/2006
Great image of a so ordinary scene. Your eye for structures is exceptional.
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/24/2006
Thanks Hugo, I try to alternate "photoart" with "pure photography" - although I must say that PS is becoming a lot of fun. I still like to maintain a photographic look, as to be evident that there is still a picture there. The chair numbers or combinations seem to shift, that's why "Musical Chairs" came to mind. Thanks very much for the in-depth comment, very much appreciated!
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/24/2006
Thanks Galal, I'm trying to alternate "pure photography" with photoart - I'm still not sure which one I like the best :) Best regards, Ina
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 1/24/2006
diffrent colors & positions of the chairs reflected in a nice composition , well done Ina .
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 1/24/2006
Hi Ina, the thing that grabs me most is the grouping of the chairs; the window frame hints at a 1-2-2 division, yet looking more closely, the division (again from left to right) indicates a 2-2-1 placement of the chairs around the tables. That creates (at least for me) a certain tension in this photo. Hope I'm making myself clear. The postprocessing is, as usual, immaculate. Very good catch indeed!
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/24/2006
Thanks very much Nigel, I thought it was interesting how the windows frames got progressivelly smaller, it gave me the idea of motion :)
Nigel Watts.
{K:5236} 1/24/2006
Fantastic, If you did not say, I thought it was a collage. The composition is wonderful, great photograph Nigel
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/24/2006
Thanks very much Susie, I thought it looked like a succcession of shots, very different for me too, and it also looked to me like Polaroids :) Best regards, Ina
Susie OConnor
{K:34798} 1/24/2006
What a good catch Ina! I wanted to figure it out before reading the about and I thought it might be an airport cafe. So interesting! I does look like a collage at first glance and takes a second or two to bring it all together. Nice one! Very different. Susie