This shot I took while docked at Costa Rica. I wanted to prove to the over-priced and bad ship photographers that their "selling shots" were easy to duplicate. Believe it or not, they wanted $20 for their photo from this angle. The photographer was not happy when I showed it to him, and 3 customers gave me their email address for a copy...
BTW, other than resizing, this photo is digitally untouched.
Very interesting angle you shot from, adds some drama to the image for sure, nice foreground choice with the rope! I have been told many times however to always look at the outer edges of my compositions, and to exclude whatever is not necessary - so here, I see a few things that are cluttering/distracting the image, in the right lower corner, and the two poles on the left and right side. a little cropping would take care of that. Careful of those horizon tilts, it is taking away from your image somewhat ie: your shoreline should be straight.
You dropped by one of mine, so I thought I'd come and meet you (answer to your crit there - thanks, it's great to meet someone who puts some thought into their comments). I really like this, and can well believe the photographer was not at all happy with you. Nice unsual angle, good detail on both the boat and the foreground.