Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 5/31/2004
This is just great, photography ,the rising sun masked the delicate hues and the mist create beautiful effect on the galloping horse, outstanding, Saeed
Mark Beltran
{K:32612} 5/6/2004
Congrats on Editor's and Staff Choice! It's not difficult to see why. I wish it was a larger image, though, and I wouldn't even mind the grain if there were any.
Ken Tinley
{K:1856} 5/5/2004
A beautiful picture, try a different camera.
{K:282} 5/5/2004
Yes, unfortunely the pixals ruined it a bit, but it's still a beautiful capture. Great job :)
Ursula Luschnig
{K:21723} 5/5/2004
I love it..especially for this pixels..that makes it so outstanding !Really great!!!Ursula Congrats for EC Goes in my favorites
Marco Maresca
{K:14418} 5/5/2004
Great shot!!! Ciao
Dan s
{K:839} 5/5/2004
That's a postcard picture... Nice shot!
Megan McCluskey
{K:3762} 5/5/2004
Beautiful shot. Do you still have the original sho downloaded from your camera? If you do...have you every tried Genuine Fractals? It's a great program that runs your original file through some type of algorithm to enlarge it without distortion. And that the next time you open in photoshop you can enlarge it a little more. I think they say that between the two programs you can enlarge an image 800% with very little distortion. I think it's Lizardtech.com or something like that. I think you can try a free download. I try it because this shot is very much worth it.
Regards, Megan
kathleen fonseca
{K:11992} 5/5/2004
This was a great image that was not (and might have been impossible to do so) worked properly in the post editing stage. There's not a thing wrong with it except that fact. i understand this photographer's problem. Not enough pixels to work with so when he dodged the horse he was left with nothing but RGB noise and hotspots, exactly as SamsonSamson was trying to say. Guess what? We ALL have had that happen to us. Great image but not enough "information" for us to follow through with. Either shadows with no information in them or blown highlights with no information. An image is not simply the idea or the subject, although one can forgive a multitude of sins if the vision is there. But as a friend of mine recently said, "to sustain passion, you need technique"..to feel passion about this image, which for me personally, makes it timeless, technique needs to be at least equal to the concept. Here, it is not. regards: kat~
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 5/5/2004
two award.. for a verymasterpiece! my congrats roby and praise
good bye!
{K:-694} 5/5/2004
splendid shot indeed, looks like some kind of a legend ..
{K:10691} 5/5/2004
it's fantastic. walt.
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 5/5/2004
Magnificent pic and even more so on your portfolio! Congrats on EC and I too am glad they chose you, and made me aware of your work. Beautiful.
kita mcintosh
{K:18594} 5/1/2004
some portfolio YOU have...geeeeeeee. this is outstanding.
Pawel Zygadlo
{K:531} 2/6/2004
Amazing!!! I added it to my favourites. Regards.
{K:2563} 2/6/2004
Mystical -- very evocative -- speaks to my heart/mind/soul -- great photography.
Gerhard F
{K:2820} 2/6/2004
kita mcintosh
{K:18594} 2/6/2004
I think Fabio hit it right on the nail spot on again. This IS mythical. in my faves. Samson just missed the point completely.
Tatiana Wilson
{K:1631} 2/6/2004
О?ень впе?атляет, немного тяжело опwеделить, ?то это фото или каwтина ;) Пwиятно смотwеть, укwала к себе. Поздwавляy коллега! :)
Karen Siebert
{K:12076} 8/28/2003
Pixels or not - this is a great shot but I can certainly understand your frustration. Wonderful image.
zosia zija
{K:11106} 8/18/2003
like a painting. nice image.
bill wasp
{K:978} 7/31/2003
Alice Ewing
{K:2418} 7/12/2003
This is beautiful! Really captivating, but for the bright white patches on te horse. You have captured the atmosphere and movement very well. Well done on including the reflection, as it has just as important a contribution to this image, which although is a little grainy, is still very acceptable aesthetically. Congrats, Alice.
Diana Cornelissen
{K:26437} 6/28/2003
Marty, this really looks like a "dreampicture". So peaceful with a great serenity. I can imagine you would like to have done it in bigger format, but it is a beautiful picture anyway!
Alisa Mudge
{K:12511} 2/13/2004
This is diffently your painterly style M&M. Love the moving white, breaking up the muted soft colors. I'm wondering what it might look like if the hot spot was toned down, but that just might be a web thing. Alisa
Ashley Maxwell
{K:467} 6/2/2003
Beautiful!!!!! I love the mist and soft colors
Mary Sue Hayward
{K:17558} 5/24/2003
Marty, this has an appealing dream-like quality, almost as if you wonder if the horse is really there or if you just imagined it. I like the framing, and agree with you that it would be improved if you had a larger size to work with. Don''t fret this one, it is lovely.
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 5/24/2003
samsonsamson does not understand a pixel of this image :) the very best of so many stills with horses: outstanding in its genre (did you know, that the white horse is a symbol of freedom also? and a mythical animal in many parts of the world?) your picture seems like an old legend turned into reality ... many thanks for showing and: congrats!
samson samson
{K:999} 5/24/2003
quality is very poor and the hotspots on the horse and are very distracting, not a very good job,
Konstantinos Tsagarakis
{K:669} 5/24/2003
Beautiful mood and sense of freedom!
Hermen Pen
{K:9168} 5/24/2003
Except that this great scene deserved a higher resolution, you did not do anything wrong, in my opinion... Good lighting on the horse and a classic composition. Still a very nice image!
Alberto Agnoletti
{K:12811} 5/24/2003
Excellent atmosphere!!! Bye Alberto
donato r.
{K:16361} 5/24/2003
Affascinante Immagine!
Javed Rassi
{K:8223} 5/24/2003
Very good composition, white horse fits well against the misty green background, bit grainy but I like the photo.
Bob Tomerlin
{K:5460} 5/24/2003
Very nice. I don't know what kind of camera you have, but if you encounter a situation like this again, try backing up and using a telephoto lens (or zoom your lens out if the lens and camera are an integrated unit). When you do so, the subject will be even more indistinct. In this situation, I think the pale horse could be made to appear to dissolve into the fog - Bob T.
Fabrizio Dutto
{K:944} 5/24/2003
very very nice. A fantastic painting. Do you have used photoshop? Really, a great work! if you want, please look my works and give me your opinion.bye.