City - Port Fairy State - VICTORIA Country - Australia
Port Fairy in Victoria was initially founded early 1800's when seals and whales were culled. Today, long after this practice was terminated, the town enjoys popular TOURISM.
Hey JD...To my eyes... I LOVE Your country and all of the scenery -- The rich colors, and the details,and of course ...'wherever' YOU are always amazes me :))
Poalo, thank you indeed for your candid comment. It is only from these constructive comments that we can be aware of some aspect that we can easily overlook. I have ps the photo attached for your info and comment, should you wish, Thanks again, Poalo. JD
Wonderful place indeed. Perhaps the photo is missing a real point of interest: my eye goes around the photo looking for something to watch that i cannont find. The horizon looks a little tilted also, perhaps due to the focal lenghth. Also some brightness is missing in my point of view.