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Hammer To Fall
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Image Title:  Hammer To Fall
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 By: AJ Miller  
  Copyright ©2009

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Photographer AJ Miller  AJ Miller {Karma:49168}
Project #24 The Decisive Moment Camera Model Nikon D300
Categories Still Life
Film Format Digital RAW
Portfolio Splashes
Lens Sigma 105 mm DG Macro
Uploaded 2/26/2009 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed 400
Views 1393 Shutter 0.5s
Favorites Aperture f/8.0
Critiques 22 Rating
/ 6 Ratings
Location City -  Tarifa
State - 
Country - Spain   Spain
About Smashing ice cubes.

This is very much a work in progress, so critiques are especially welcome on this one. It's all still set up in my garage "studio", so if there's a way to improve it I'm ready to go!

Or maybe I could do a "smash on request" - what would you like to see go under the hammer next?

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There are 22 Comments in 1 Pages
Nicole Besch Nicole Besch   {K:72664} 3/4/2009
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW...this camera is a Hammer:):)You shot is perfect I don't know what to do better on it!!!!Great art work and a wonderful effect and a great idea!
Hugs to you,


Paulo Uemura Paulo Uemura   {K:2330} 3/2/2009
very, very interesting


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 3/1/2009
Thanks Andrew. And good to know you've got PS working.



jacques brisebois   {K:73883} 3/1/2009
oufffffff. impressive work, really creative. perfect job AJ.
Double flashes???


Andrew George   {K:343} 3/1/2009
awsome picture AJ. I tried the "save for web" suggestion that you told me about and it works great.


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 2/28/2009
Thanks John - I had great fun doing this one!



AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 2/28/2009
Many thanks for your kind comment, Srna!



John Hatz John Hatz   {K:156973} 2/28/2009
Excellent idea AJ, very original, great also the way you get the motion in long exposure as also the splash at the hammer hit... original work at its best.
be well!


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 2/27/2009
Fine dynamism, lightening, frame, detail, b/g, colors AJ !
Wish you all the best,


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 2/27/2009
Many thanks, Ray. The D300 can be set to fire repeatedly during a long exposure, hence the two clear images of the hammer. The blur in between comes from the background lighting of a table lamp.

The "studio" is non-existant - it is a garage that sounds very much like yours, except that there is a car in it as well. Which means that anything to be subjected to this treatment should not produce too much in the way of sharp flying objects...



stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 2/27/2009
What a great shot AJ, I cannot pick up on anything here as I have never attempted this kind of photography. To me it looks perfect. I keep looking and looking and i am blessed if I can work out the HOW of it. You have the clear image at the start of the swing, the motion as the hammer moves downwards and again the clear image upon impact. Totally fascinating my friend. Well done and the World is your lobster . Impact on a piece of old expendable china, a hated ornament, oh wow the list could go on and on.
I envy you your garage studio. Our double garage has never housed any of our cars, it is the home of backup fridges and freezers plus wildlife foodstuffs, a bit of spare garden furniture and Heather's gardening pots, tools, devices etc etc. SO MUCH gardening stuff . Heather's passion is gardening and the reason why I post so much floral stuff.
Well done to you yet again AJ, I enjoy viewing all your experimental work while I lazily stick to the conventional. My very best wishes to you as always.......Ray


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 2/26/2009
Excelente toma, buena la composición.


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 2/26/2009
For me it is an art dear AJ, Yes it prompts me to thought and a sense of feelings, Imagination and the world of physics invisible and visible.. Thank you very much for your reply ..


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 2/26/2009
Hey Parehan! It's just a single shot. I think I've got the technical side set up OK, but is it art? Maybe I need to get a smooth curve across the image from top left to bottom right, or maybe there's something I haven't thought of yet. This is definitely in the experimental stage!



parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 2/26/2009
Wonderful experimenting art.. Is it shutter or a combined of many shots together???I'm not a professional, but I'm trying to learn..But it is certainly superb work, physicist inspiring and wonderful colors..
Always peace and love,


Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf   {K:61374} 2/26/2009
Very nice! I almost hear it ;)



AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 2/26/2009
Thanks Malules - you see what happens to my mental state when the wind doesn't blow?!



AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 2/26/2009
Thanks for your in-depth comment, Marian.

The shot itself is not particularly difficult. I came up with the concept (no idea where from...), tried it, improved the lighting, improved the hammer action, got to the point where I could produce a good image every shot.

Sure I played with the technical aspects. The main thing is the lighting - I've got a lamp shining at the hammer, and use the on-board flash in repeat mode to illuminate the hammer twice. Sounds involved but it's all very simple really.

But I just feel there's something missing. Smashing my finger? Now there's an idea!



Malules Fernandez Malules Fernandez   {K:54810} 2/26/2009
Amazing capture, dear AJ.
great work!!


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 2/26/2009
Thank you, aZiZ! That's what I'm aiming for here, though I'm not yet sure that I've got it right.



Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 2/26/2009
wow!! not an easy shot I believe dear AJ!!!!
you have caught the falling hammer so well and so clear!!!
my knowledge on techicalities is almost zero but still I do not see anything that needs improvement....
as for smashing something choose whatever you want as long as it is not you finger :)
warm regards


aZiZ aBc aZiZ aBc   {K:28345} 2/26/2009




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