This is my favorite of your recent uploads, Ron. Don't know what it is about b/w images, maybe it's because they enable the viewer to create their own interpretation. If this were a color shot, it could be a stunning sunset/sunrise but my mind sees an ominous incoming storm (as you've named it). You've done your job well as an artist in this one, there's a real mood and definite visual appeal. The fact that you've chosen to include human figures is what makes this image so impactful to me. The sense of power inherent in the natural elements juxtaposed with the wee things we humans truly are (although we think of ourselves as much more important) comes to the front in this image. Although it is sometimes said too often and an easy observation to make, your tones here are wonderful -- just look at the shadows of the figures on the sand! Really nice capture here. Into my Favorites.