Final image from the greenhouse. I set up the camera in a bend in the path, prepared the composition and exposure, and waited for the couple to walk into a fitting position. Originally I wanted them more to the left, but when I saw the man raise his head in curious study of some plant high above, I decided to take the shot. The shadow in the woman's face is not as strong in the print as in the scan. Critiques are welcome.
Great photo Matej. The tones of the glass are beautiful in black and white. Lots of interesting curves and patterns which work very well together. I think the photo may be even better without the people in it; most of the time people add interest, but for whatever reason they are distracting to me in this image. The photo is very nice regardless.
This is a beautiful picture. The exposure of the glass, the faces and the plants is very well done. I particularly like the curve of the glass, the row of plants and the pathe,and the movement it brings to the picture. The blackness and shiny parts of the plants are so beautiful, so lush... The people do not seem very interested and look like they are walking through rather quickly. The guy seems puzzled about the hanging plants, his glance adds a point of interest...