Carlheinz Bayer
{K:14220} 8/22/2004
THAT'S AWESOME. Love the blur. sun flowers different for a change!!! C.
david cunningham
{K:8255} 8/17/2004
absolutely beautiful. i love everything about it. yuour composition is terrific and the colors are wonderful. this is without a doubt one of my favorite still lifes.
Jeff Fiore
{K:11277} 8/15/2004
Jennifer, Yes, that is my point exactly. Any image that affects you emotionally is a good image. Also Yes, I am a big fan of Karen Clarke's work also - I have never seen anyone convey emotions and involve the viewer the way she does in her images.
BTW, that half sleepy - half awake state is where Salvador Dali got his inspiration from. He used to doze off holding a spoon over a plate and when it dropped, the startling noise in his state of mind caused him to see things alittle differently - so that twilight existence of your mind between worlds is a good place to be for creativity. Jeff
jennifer armstrong
{K:6688} 8/15/2004
thanks, karen. I've not thought a lot about why i'm so drawn to out-of-focus & blurry photos, i just know i am. I like your comment about waking from sleep & dreams & then the opening up to see the tangible world around us, soft focussed at first, with our presence still drifting from sleep to awakening, and before the mind & reality hits with more clarity & definition. I appreciate you taking the time to comment, thank you! :O)
jennifer armstrong
{K:6688} 8/15/2004
thanks, Jeff. I guess it's true that if something grabs our attention, even if not in a really pleasant way, then it has accomplished something. I've been noticing that with karen clark's work - her photos are incedibly intriguing & pull me in but make me think a lot about what it is that i'm seeing & why i'm responding to it the way that i am. Very inspiring. This image drove my son crazy when i had it on my desktop awhile back - for the very same reasons that you mention! :O)
Gertrud Gozner
{K:14222} 8/15/2004
beautiful work!
Jeff Fiore
{K:11277} 8/15/2004
As I keep coming back to this image, I find I do like it. What I really like about it is the blur is very contrasty giving it a unique quality that is both pleasing and appealling yet hard to look at and annoying at the same time - not an easy thing to do and it really works here making the image IMHO very compelling and unique. The composition is excellent.
karen clarke
{K:18893} 8/15/2004
I think this works perfect as is, but then again its all a matter of one's personal taste. I think that if you had cropped it down to just the flowers, it would be too busy. I can't stare too long or I start to get cross-eyed. I think it was a surprise to see that the image is blurred, I think it gives you another way of looking at them. Perhaps in the waking moment, when you are still in a dream, your vision is blurred as you try to open your eyes. Now that is getting creative, I like it~
Merete Westerdahl
{K:11079} 8/15/2004
;-) The colours are great!!! :-) I think I would have cropped it to the flowers only....but.. I like it.. Merete :-)
Paco Ferrer
{K:8586} 8/15/2004
Jeff Fiore
{K:11277} 8/15/2004
Not sure if I like this but I keep staring at it thinking.... any image that can do that is a good image - doesnt matter if I like it or not. Jeff
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 8/15/2004
ohhh this one looks good posted! just sings off my monitor!