m.c. lopez
{K:14766} 9/21/2004
kind of haiku
Narayanan Nair
{K:863} 9/21/2004
Wonderful composition, and spread across! I love the streak of light entering the bottom half, towards the right, making the bed of the pond show in a subtle manner!
Excellent work!
Cheers, NN
cessy karina
{K:14205} 9/21/2004
very nice water lily, beautiful composition and beautiful colors
Jose Sanchez
{K:424} 9/11/2004
tender :)
Ahmet Baki Kocaballi
{K:13618} 9/7/2004
beautiful and elegant..
Richard Morton
{K:571} 9/6/2004
Myself I like the shot but as it has been said a tad flat, but an interesting shot non the less.
Gerry Pacher
{K:7303} 8/16/2004
Dear Jennifer, this is really a wonderful composition. I love this silence.
Regards, Gerry
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 8/16/2004
Incredibly beautiful, a very striking image with beautiful soft - but strong colours Margaret
Mark Beltran
{K:32612} 8/16/2004
Makes me wonder if nature is really as random as it appears. I like to think there is a purpose that escapes human logic, or at least what we think is logic. Or are the so-called lower forms more grounded in logic?
Oh, and thank you for having me in your friends list!!
John Strazza
{K:11535} 8/15/2004
superb ..
jennifer armstrong
{K:6688} 8/15/2004
thanks for all the info, Francisco. I've just come home from work so my brain's not quite up to learning! I'll have a good read through your comments tomorrow (a day off!) & hopefully it will mean more to me then. I really appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge....thank you! :O)
{K:124} 8/15/2004
Nice work! Have poetry!
Francisco N-G
{K:28728} 8/14/2004
Jeniffer, there are several issues to get good prints.
1) Your printer: It's my experience that printers with a separate black, and extra photo catridges make a huge difference (typically 6: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, Photo Cyan and Photo Magenta).
2) Paper: I get very good proofs with the Staples Glossy Photo Paper (a box of 100 letter size sheets I got on sale for $21.00 - p/n:471865) - (Disclaimer: I don't work for Staples)
3) Your screen: CRT's and flat panel screens (FPS) show different colours. Apparently CRT's, in general, are more accurate than FPS'. Except if you use high-end models, typically for Mac's.
4) Your scanner: you get what you pay for...
5) Colour calibration: Many imaging programs will include some form of Colour Management System (CMS) that will help you calibrate your equipment. Try to load your manufacturer screen drivers and look in the installation CD for calibration profiles. There are simple steps to follow to calibrate your screen manually according to your lighting conditions; the screen controls will have an option for colour profiles and some will even allow you to adjust each channel separately and even adjust the colour temperature. One posting in my local Linux mailing list (vlug.org) Stacey F. suggests: "an easy reference for quick and dirty calibration of the shadow detail is to fill an image with 0 red, 0 green, and 0 blue (default black), then make a selection in the centre, and fill it with 26 Red, 26 green, and 26 blue. Deselect to get rid of the marching ants, and adjust the monitor so that the test swatch in the centre of the default black should be just barely visible. This is a quick and dirty tool". Do a google search for manual colour (or color) calibration.
6) Let your screen warm up (by using it) for 30 minutes before you start working seriously with your images.
7) Use a service bureau for professional results. RA-4 photo paper can produce stunning results; I have good experiences with the FutureShop (futurephoto.ca) digital photo lab; for an extra fee they will send you the prints to your home. Other local resources are Japan Camera at the Hillside Mall, PhotoWire (Lens & Shutter on-line service) can do 12"x17" below CAD$ 10.00 and 8"x10" below CAD$ 5.00.
8) Ask a woman to judge the print. Women are better judges than men when it comes to colour; they are more sensitive to variations in hues, saturation and luminosity. My wife has the final word :-) She is an artist and I am sure a tetrachromat (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrachromat ).
If this thread is becoming off-topic, let's continue in the forum section or e-mail me directly (my address is my profile page).
Hope this helps.
Jeff Fiore
{K:11277} 8/14/2004
I like the pastel quality of the colors
jennifer armstrong
{K:6688} 8/14/2004
thanks, Irma. I guess that's one of the challenges of viewing photos on a computer - we never know how someone else will have their monitor set & so i have no idea how the image i created looks at your end. Rats. However, i did intentionally keep this photo a little flat & muted. I thought it helped add to the stillness. I'll have to try it punched up ever so slightly to see if i prefer it that way. Do you print photos out much yourself? I have a REALLY challenging time trying to match what i see on my computer to what i output from my printer & so i've not printed much at all out of frustration. I'd be grateful for any advice you could give me. :O)
jennifer armstrong
{K:6688} 8/14/2004
thanks so much for the meeting info, Francisco. I'm going to try to make it as i have so much to learn about PS & i feel really inspired now. Thanks, again.
Irma Vep
{K:1480} 8/13/2004
Hi Jennifer,
I presume that if you were to print this out the subtle colours would be beautiful. On my screen they look a little flat - but I do like how the light hits that one leaf and punches up the colour. If the image was totally bright it wouldn't be such a sophisticated colour combination.
Francisco N-G
{K:28728} 8/13/2004
Magical picture, the colours and textures are in great balance. Great job.
For your information, next Tuesday there will be a meeting in UVIC about digital photography.
The Digital Photo Group presents:
Title: Dodging and burning in Photoshop Speaker: Mary Sanseverino Title1: Henry Cartier-Bresson, an obituary Speaker: Daniel German
Place: EOW 430 Date: Tuesday Aug 17, 2004 Time: 5:30 PM
map: http://www.uvic.ca/buildings/eow.html
Francisco N-G
{K:28728} 8/13/2004
Magical picture, the colours and textures are in great balance. Great job.
For your information, next Tuesday (Aug. 17) there will be a meeting in UVIC about digital photography. This is the announcement: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
The Digital Photo Group presents:
Title: Dodging and burning in Photoshop Speaker: Mary Sanseverino Title1: Henry Cartier-Bresson, an obituary Speaker: Daniel German
Place: EOW 430 Date: Tuesday Aug 17, 2004 Time: 5:30 PM
map: http://www.uvic.ca/buildings/eow.html
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 8/13/2004
Sorry Jen This time I am gonna go along with the others...I think a nudge in PS will make it sing The Composition is a sound as a bell (whatever that means) just the lighting is a tad flat and as to putting out well what can I say!! LOL Cheers Roj
Uwe Bachmann
{K:10222} 8/13/2004
really a magic light, the colours are so wonderfull....
kokupsy_un morita
{K:2651} 8/13/2004
Especially the color of water is wonderful. ..like a gream.. I like the color tone of this photograph.
jennifer armstrong
{K:6688} 8/13/2004
oh yah...hmmm, thanks for the suggestion, david. I'm sure my husband will appreciate my initial comment, though! :O)
david cunningham
{K:8255} 8/13/2004
hey jennifer...
you may want to proof and edit your responses before hitting "add comment". your reply to phil may get you a lot of email asking you out.
just kidding of course.
jennifer armstrong
{K:6688} 8/13/2004
thanks, Phil. it's a self portrait & i played around with it in PS somewhat. This site's great - many thanks for all your feedback. I'm feeling really inspired to put out more. :O)
Phil M
{K:11526} 8/12/2004
Hi, just wanted to compliment you on the photo on your profile! Don't know whether it was taken by you or by someone else; either way I am impressed! It is an excellent shot, well composed, great tones, and overall very striking! Regards :)
A.T. Sarazin
{K:1336} 8/12/2004
Definitely a unique shot... I like that it takes your eye a second to figure out that there's actually water there. I like the beam of light, though I think that David is right in saying that it could probably use some PS love. Nice use of the wide-angle lens, too... I was looking at the upper portion of the image and started to think "wow, that must be a wide-angle" and sure enough... :)
david cunningham
{K:8255} 8/12/2004
nice composition. you might want to bump the contrast a bit and work with the levels/channel mixer a bit. the colors are just a tad flat and can be easily fixed in PS to really give this shot the punch it deserves.
you've got a good ey for composition. to me that's way more than half the battle. it's the line that divides art from snapshots. i'm putting you on my friends list to follow your development.
FYI, nudes will always get a zillion more comments than nature shots, potraits, etc. don't get bummed out if some of your other work doesn't draw as much of a response as your first two. that's the way it is here at usefilm.
Phil M
{K:11526} 8/12/2004
Something a bit different! Nice colours; I can't help feeling that the sunlight hitting the lower half detracts a bit from the slightly abstract duo-tone quality it might otherwise have, but maybe not... the colours of the water and bottom of th pond are quite nice, it's just something about the way the light hits that second-from-bottom leaf that bothers me.. :)