Domjan Svilkovic
{K:3104} 3/2/2005
Hi monterey! Small cameras do have a few advantages but, on the other hand, I would LOVE to have a usable ISO400! :) You can't have everything, I guess.
Rich Swanner
{K:-3732} 3/2/2005
That is a point about my Canon 300D DOF is not as great as the smaller cameras. Hi! from my friend! Big 7 to you.
Gabriele Pfund
{K:11745} 2/6/2005
Yes, the grain disturbs a bit, but nevertheless it's a great one; perspective is top, the details on the right eye fantastic and the choice of b&w works also very well here. Very good!
Domjan Svilkovic
{K:3104} 1/18/2005
Ne koristim Photoshop pa ti stvarno ne znam za te plugine. Ono sto jesam probao je Neat no svako peglanje shuma gubi i detalje na ocima pa sam odustao.
Geza Farkas
{K:12412} 1/18/2005
Ps Vracam ti sliku posle primene plug-ina.
Geza Farkas
{K:12412} 1/18/2005
Excellent. Nivo digitalnog suma mozes smanjiti obradom fotke u Fotosopu, postoje gotovi plug-inovi za to recimo Alien skin-ov image doctor :-).
{K:30945} 1/17/2005
oh, ti si skroz rastavio socivo! Bravo, ja nisam smela jer je to tatino ;-) Hvala najlepse, a ti samo nastavi tako, na dobrom si putu! Pozdrav, Biliana
Domjan Svilkovic
{K:3104} 1/17/2005
Hvala ti Biliana! Tvoje macro fotke su STVARNO dobre, pogotovo one sa vodom i mjeruricima. Dobro je tu netko rekao da si ti glavna za mjerurice na ovom siteu :) Pogledao sam tvoju muhu i super je. Meni je vjerojatno malo lakse slikati macro fotke jer mi je objektiv totalno lagan (mozda 1/10 tezine fotica) posto sam ga rastavio i uzeo jedino lece.
{K:30945} 1/17/2005
wow.. detalji ociju su odlicni!! ali ima ona poznata noise u pozadini i ja imam iste probleme! I ja sam sama napravila reverse lens i nakacila socivo na moj G3, mozes da vidis moju Muhu/ My Eyes, to je uradjeno sa macro + reverse lens! Samo napred! Hvala na interesovanju za moj Macro! Puno pozdrava iz Beograda i sretna nova 2005. Biliana
patrizia tresca
{K:-191} 1/13/2005
Complimenti per l'attrezzatura fatta in casa,il dettaglio è impressionante! Per avere buoni risultati ciò che è veramente indispensabile è la creatività e l'occhio fotografico.
Domjan Svilkovic
{K:3104} 1/13/2005
Thanks Jimmy! I am just a beginner but I do hope to encourage other people with low-end digital equipment to go and experiment with lenses they have (from old SLR lens, binoculars, looking glass or any other concave lens). It's really loads of fun!
Jimmy Payne
{K:21163} 1/13/2005
This is really amazing photography, Domjan. You have proven visually that one does not need a lot of mega pixels or expensive cameras to produce outstanding photos. Congratulations on a great macro and your ingenuity in building the equipment to do it with.
Regards, Jimmy
Fabio Brancaleoni
{K:2200} 1/12/2005
Very impressive macro!
jasmine .
{K:626} 1/12/2005
disgusting!!! disgustingly beautiful. Have not seen such great details. Unbelievable.
Tarek Al Kaaki
{K:2181} 1/12/2005
Excellent resolution Domjan very nice.
Domjan Svilkovic
{K:3104} 1/12/2005
Thank you! I love doing macro photography with A75 as it is an excelent camera for it. It has a small CCD which is normally a bad point but it is actually good for macro photography (quite a deep DoF - 3mm?). Also, it has a not so fast lens (normaly a bad point) but this way I can use inexpensive f/2.8 addon lenses and still see the full frame (on the Canon G series I would have to buy a expensive f/1.8 lens). Canon A95 would be far better but I couldn't aford it.
Dino Lupani
{K:15142} 1/12/2005
Impressionante! Ottimo lavoro. Ciao
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 1/12/2005
Woww!!! Amazing details!!! Very dramatic in B&W!! 7+++++ Congrats! Roberto.
Steve Bull
{K:2094} 1/12/2005
great shot! thats an impressive setup, amazing that you could get that with an A75! welll done.
aydin turker
{K:3988} 1/12/2005
like the views in National Geographic! very good macro Domjan and congrats for creating your own equipment..:)) cheers..