City - Washington State - DC Country - United States
I was angry yesterday, wasn't able to work well entire day thinking about victums of terror in London. Today blind anger has been changed to some other thoughts. Most political damage created by terroristic acts like this is damage to liberal part of society, people who are talking about peace, freedom equal rights for immigrants including muslems are loosing support, government is spending more money for DOD, security operations, more people are hired to track everyday activities of regular people including us, liberals and immigrants. Then Security personel is comming toward inocent photographer with tripod, epecially with Middle Eastern face and prohibiting him to shot around Lincoln Memorial or Local Farm.... I also had best muslim friend back in Estonia. I really would like to to know that he is happy and safe right now. September 11. Bombings in Spain, terror in London and other parts of word are deepening hate between people, this is not way to peace, but evil way to hell. To create peace you need to talk, communicate, send flowers and right books. And stop radicals around you, fanatics in YOUR OWN society. With honor and best wishes from DC. Stan
Stan - I give your image a 6, but your narrative gets a 7. It's nice to know there are others out there that are fed up with the effect these damned terrorists are having on us. Be well my friend... I'll keep my eyes open for more of your work.