Himadri Sharma
{K:1187} 8/8/2005
hi, i'm am awaiting your comments eagerly for the remaining pics... see if you can take some time off and post your precious advice
F2f hhf Fhjfxd
{K:1074} 8/2/2005
nice pic himadri... i like this one also because of the subdued color schemes...and the whole interplay with water and air, space and mass, shimmering water adn matt sky (the glare couldve been avoided) and the seemingly 50-50 balance between them...dont agree with you on the 'no horizon' part!! :-)
Himadri Sharma
{K:1187} 8/1/2005
before you mentioned, i did not notice it ... is it very prominent. Its quite weird because the sun was on my right and not exactly looking into the camera. Well thanks anyways.
sanjeev jain
{K:8763} 7/29/2005
Sorry for forgetting it I liked ur way of asking. it looks like u re taking out full juice from ur image i have not mentioned the horizon the last part of the image but i liked it when I saw first but readin other sides of the image I forgot to come back it happens as for the reason diminishing silence looks intoxicated there and disappearing in the end that is the place where infinity lives so i thought not to mention the last part wanted to keep the details thinking it mnay noit further intrest u i like all ur dimensions because all the times till so far i saw u were in all the three. and further on which one surface up one does not know. but thrid is defenatily the face to be liked although i avoided details in my expression of all the three. u mentioned do i write poetry if not then i should. smile ur are too much now well , I am a ordinary fool disillusioned most of the time stumbling on the smooth surface of life and u say I should write somethin? instead I feel let the things be the way they are don?t name them in any category and u are drunk I guess saying me poet and on further if not then I should write. U have good sense of humor girl
Raj P
{K:1222} 7/28/2005
Himadri, Why there is lense flair in the the image. As far as i remember that was also present in your one pf previous submisions. Please try to avoid sun rays directly coming on your camera lense to avoid damage and off cource lense flairs. I think lense flair in your images are not intetional.
Secondly i want to redefine horizon. Where sky meets huge water bodies. :)
Best regards, Rajendra
Himadri Sharma
{K:1187} 7/28/2005
well i like the salutation "hi madri", my masi's addresses me in the same way.
Dude, do you write poetry??? If not, you should.
I hope you noticed the perfect division between the sky and the water, they share equal space in the picture, no preferences.
Also did you notice the horizon, there is none.
Your analysis of me ...... well not bad, good effort, i particularly like my third dimension
sanjeev jain
{K:8763} 7/28/2005
ur name has word "hi" involved mixed so i am just seperatin it for fun. i hope u dont mind hi madri, they are too far and ur title is too close i am enjoying two sides of u one titled which is in light and other part is mysterious n dark. first is ur outside world and the second is ur inside world. look at the humourous side of the sitation u went to capture it and u got caught. and i feel their is third dimension to it too third side of u, who is learnin who is hungry and wild who is a burrnig passion to reach, to seek where ever how so ever, i feel it has started its journey long before u can remember longest than long. pherhaps i should call it "knowing" or consciousness the innocent part of u which i feel is always silent and experiencing. nerversays i guess.