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Image Title:  Sunbathed!
Favorites: 1 
 By: Chris Spracklen  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  Chris Spracklen {Karma:32552}
Project #36 Magic Light Camera Model Nikon D70
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio Landscapes
Lens Nikon AF-S 18-70 ED DX
Uploaded 10/16/2005 Film / Memory Type SanDisk 1GB CF
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 604 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 61 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Nr. Tomintoul
Country - United Kingdom   United Kingdom
About Twixt Tomintoul and Cromdale!

We just had to stop the car!!

I hope you're well!

Best regards to all,

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There are 61 Comments in 1 Pages
Desert Blu   {K:589} 11/5/2005
and this one is even more wonderful with the fog lifting..


Keith Saint Keith Saint   {K:13784} 10/28/2005
I like to leave your images for a while Chris as when I come back its such a treat
Love this as the light is fabulous a work of art


Patrick Jacobson   {K:29151} 10/27/2005
Such a fantastic scenery =) I understand that you had to stop your car.. this is amazingly beutiful! Love it!


Patrick J


sherif hussein   {K:13815} 10/19/2005
Wonderful shot
Thanks for sharing Chris


Darlene Boucher   {K:15739} 10/19/2005
Wow!!! Thanks for stopping! Beautiful scene Chris, you do this sooooo well!


Joggie van Staden Joggie van Staden   {K:41700} 10/18/2005
Spectacular light - Great foreground. Well done again Chris.


Mohsen Bayramnejad Mohsen Bayramnejad   {K:21377} 10/18/2005
oh!..really glad you stopped the car this time!!..How beautiful Landscape composition..really Love it!..too Lovely!
cheers dear,


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 10/18/2005
Many thanks for the poem, Brian.
A friend of mine found the rest of it for me!!
I appreciate all your kind comments.
Best regards, Chris


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 10/18/2005
Many thanks for your comment, Walter.
I look forward to your next upload.
Best regards, Chris


Tim  Schumm Tim  Schumm   {K:29196} 10/18/2005
whew!! this is just a stunningly moody and fantastic shot, in an uplifting sort of way.


jude .   {K:14625} 10/17/2005
Beautiful image, Chris...really gorgeous lighting. I love the faint rays...lovely.


Burak Tanriover Burak Tanriover   {K:16610} 10/17/2005
Hello Chris,
this is very very beautiful,
I like a lot the lighting and the hazy scene.
The lighting is very nice.
best wishes


Endre Novak Endre Novak   {K:12666} 10/17/2005
Buetiful colours tones and lights.


vanessa shakesheff vanessa shakesheff   {K:68840} 10/17/2005
What an amazing picture,looks almost like an oil painting,warmest wishes vanessa


Carsten Ranke   {K:14476} 10/17/2005
Superb lighting and colors, a wonderful panoramic ! The black framing for this format is a good idea, makes the colors stand out perfectly.


ricardo longhi-frantz   {K:9628} 10/17/2005
magnificent landscape!


James Bambery   {K:13421} 10/17/2005
Awesome Chris, the sunrays are so delicate yet so obvious. Great capture.



B:)liana    {K:30945} 10/17/2005
Great view on this landscape and mood daer Chris~!



Federico Bottaini Federico Bottaini   {K:3616} 10/17/2005
Veramente una bella immagine!
Ha una luce molto poetica.



Hanggan Situmorang Hanggan Situmorang   {K:37833} 10/17/2005
Superb view and moment captured. Great composition, Chris. Thanks for sharing :)


Larry Quigley Larry Quigley   {K:12887} 10/17/2005
Sunbathed, but you have given this scene a dark, moody, "Scottish", feel, Chris. I like your composition and handling of the light on this very much! Wonderful range of colors and tones. An excellent job! Cheers, Larry


cessy karina   {K:14205} 10/17/2005
marvelous light !! of course you gotta stop the car for this sight
excellently captured, Chris
it's very calming, so enjoyable to see


Fabio Ficola   {K:10466} 10/17/2005
Great scenery very moody landscape.

Bye Fabio


Paolo Nobili Paolo Nobili   {K:143} 10/17/2005
A splendid perfectly tallied composition. You knew to benefit from the conditions of luminosity for distributing well the light.



stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 10/17/2005
A beautifully serene and hazy landscape wonderfully lit. Stunning. warm regards...Ray


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 10/17/2005
ohhhhhhhhhhhh a marvellous delicate light!!!

well done my dear Chris..
have a nice week..



Manu    Manu     {K:13082} 10/17/2005
Great composition the effect from the available light in the background also. My only niggle is the darkeness in the bottom right hand corner and the shadow areas seem a little too exaggerated, affecting the greens.Would like to see more detail on the left hand side also.

Sorry about the nit-picking but I'm sure you can take it...haha!




Marcus Armani Marcus Armani   {K:36599} 10/17/2005
Wow this is a stunning landscape, the colors and perspective are perfect, I like the suns rays breaking through the clouds, amazing...


Sergio M. Cameno   {K:7856} 10/17/2005
Very beautiful image, Chris.



Rosario Esposito Rosario Esposito   {K:9796} 10/17/2005
It seems one painting, the much beautiful light and the scene, Congratulations


patrizio napolitano   {K:13119} 10/17/2005
the autumn is the season of the warm and marvelous colors.
your photo represents very well the colors.
the iquadratura low I like a lot it


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 10/17/2005
Superb!! The peacefulness of the countryside cannot be beaten and you have captured it perfectly here.



Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 10/17/2005
These gently rolling, low-laying mountains, ground almost smooth by glacier after glacier in successive ice ages, are such a contrast with the young, upthrusting mountains of Japan's nothern and southern alps! The lighting is wonderful. I'm so glas you stopped and captured it for us...


Jim Christensen   {K:18843} 10/17/2005
You really nailed this one.. Perfect light, just perfect. Yes you had to stop, but how mant times we don't ;-)


Susie OConnor Susie OConnor   {K:34798} 10/17/2005
Pretty, serene, soothing...lovely! Very nice post Chris. :)


Giorgio Goretti   {K:15471} 10/17/2005
excellent moody image Chris.. almost an unreal vision, good eye as usual...


Bea Friedli   {K:10189} 10/17/2005
beautiful !


Lori Stitt   {K:75282} 10/17/2005
Well, you've done it again! Another spectacular scene for us to drool over.

Very nice magic lighting.
Lori :)


Toshi  Toshi    {K:11924} 10/17/2005
A great landscape capture Chris. Simple yet attracting due to the great light you've captured bathing the landscape. Great work including the railing in the foreground to add to the shot, well done.


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 10/16/2005
Yes, I can see why you stopped. Breathtaking view. The shadows, dust, or whatever was in the sky made this a wonderful picture. Don.


Ahmed Ismail Ahmed Ismail   {K:19853} 10/16/2005
Chris, your landscapes are always great! The light is beautiful here. An excellent shot.


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 10/16/2005
Nice idea, Kathy! Thanks for the suggestion!
However, I have a gallery on another site in which every image is cut and framed like this, which is why I kept it the same.
Best regards, Chris


Gregory McLemore Gregory McLemore   {K:35129} 10/16/2005
Stunning wide open space beauty, very humbling.


brian daws brian daws   {K:3376} 10/16/2005
Hi Chris, love the reminded me of a poem by Emily here is a portion of the poem..There's a certain Slant of light,
Winter Afternoons--
That opresses, like the Heft
Of Cathedral Tunes--

Heavenly Hurt, it gives us--
We can find no scar,
But internal difference,
Where the meanings are--
Regards, Brian


Mohamed Banna Mohamed Banna   {K:34237} 10/16/2005
what amazing moody landscape
great lighting
and very nice tones


Kathy Hillard Kathy Hillard   {K:25721} 10/16/2005
Another beatiful image, Chris!
I was wondering what this would look like with a small gray outline around the picture to keep the bottom right corner from disappearing into the frame. I kept going back and forth and couldn't decide which I like best. What do you think...yes or no?


Hakan AKIRMAK Hakan AKIRMAK   {K:15913} 10/16/2005
Excellent view! Light is wonderful! Congrats!


Merete Westerdahl   {K:11079} 10/16/2005
Wonderfull shot..the sunrays are fantastic..

(I'm well)
Hope you're too



Mohsen Bayramnejad Mohsen Bayramnejad   {K:21377} 10/16/2005
very nice capture!..really Great Landscapes composition..Love it!
cheers dear,


Sam Graziano III Sam Graziano III   {K:14064} 10/16/2005
Its a good thing you decided to stop the Car Chris. Or else we wouldn't have gotten to enjoy this fabulous capture!

Thanks for sharing this wonderfully composed shot!

Best Regards



Claudio Bonaccorsi   {K:2146} 10/16/2005
Grandissimo scatto, sembra una scena di un film.


Barry Wakelin   {K:7838} 10/16/2005
Fantastic atmosphere! I'm not surprised you had to stop.


Tiger Lily     {K:10966} 10/16/2005
I like how we can see the sun's rays. Magical scenery.


Roberto Carli   {K:13689} 10/16/2005
Hi Chris,meantime i see you always catch gorgeous landscapes as well as this one...........Great eye,keep going friend,take care!!!!
One day will came in Scotland,one of the most beautiful places to take pictures!!!!!!
Best regards.


carlos sanchez   {K:3631} 10/16/2005
good litgh!!!!


Walter Scarella Walter Scarella   {K:19671} 10/16/2005
Excellent landscapes Chris ! Beautiful backlight and composition.
Great work !!! Regards....Walter


   {K:655} 10/16/2005
Great panoramic landscape with beautiful colors. Congrats. Regards.


jacques brisebois   {K:73883} 10/16/2005
what a pic you've got here Chris. Very nice lightning, relaxing. Well done.


s s s s   {K:-413} 10/16/2005
Great shot. Glad you stopped.


Lukasz Kuczkowski Lukasz Kuczkowski   {K:14687} 10/16/2005
the light is really magic here; like the light rays which can be clearly visible and the fog of light in the background;
well done, Chris


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 10/16/2005
wow, glad you stopped. Wonderful lighting. cheers, gary




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