Barry Wakelin
{K:7838} 11/19/2005
Rodney, thanks for your comments, I'm glad you're enjoying the portfolio. I use a high quality Nikon LS9000ED scanner and the colours are pretty accurate and are helped by Nikon's DEE facility which really makes a difference in bringing out the true colours of Velvia.
Rodney Steele
{K:1841} 11/18/2005
It's like a dream, Barry. I'm amazed at how well your film scans into digital. Do you find the colors and details true to the film? When I scan 35mm slides there are some differences, somtimes. Thanks for sharing, Rodney
Susie Dancer
{K:318} 11/14/2005
Incredible! This must have been so amazing to see in person. I love the contrast between the dark tree trunks and the illuminated leaves as well as the blue/green contrast. This photo invites the eyes to wander in...all the way to the very back. Wonderful capture :)
Jara Parijayee
{K:4964} 11/5/2005
W I D E A P P R E C...
...words end infront of a stunning scape.
Joggie van Staden
{K:41700} 10/29/2005
Great one Barry. Wonderful colours - somehow the bluebells receding into thye far background creates an enhanced sense of space and depth. Great work. Joggie
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 10/26/2005
Fabulous colours and composition, Barry! Beautiful shot. Best regards, Chris
Barrie Cranston
{K:172} 10/24/2005
Like a dream, excellent.
Jorg Reif
{K:16020} 10/23/2005
Amazing color composition, I would love to see this in real, this scene is gorgeous. I wonder, though if the blue may be a little over saturated. Would love to see this a little less dominating. Great shot, though, nevertheless.For me it has a lot of impact. Regards Jörg
Jorg Reif
{K:16020} 10/23/2005
Amazing color composition, I would love to see this in real, this scene is gorgeous. I wonder, though if the blue may be a little over saturated. Would love to see this a little less dominating. Great shot, though, nevertheless. Regards Jörg
Shane O'Neill
{K:3054} 10/21/2005
great colour contrast Barry - this must be a good seller for you
Gary Dyck
{K:12834} 10/21/2005
wow, that's gorgeous. Love the blues and the illumination of the new leaves. Must have been a real joy to see! Thanks for sharing. Gary
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 10/21/2005
....just a question. This id great, it?s not that - but when i see this i?m thinking of a soft movement to get an sbartact of this with a blue and green halfs with black strips in.... or 1/3 of blue and the other green and so the tree?s as stripes - that would also be wonderful.... just my idea when seeing this1
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 10/21/2005
Remarkable beauty Barry! I like this alot and i smell the flowers all the way to here!!!!!
Fabio Ficola
{K:10466} 10/21/2005
I've yet noticed this piture on your sites and I was captured. Thanks for this posting, I think it's definitively worth showing. Congrats. Fabio
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 10/21/2005
I am kind-of with Tony here. I've seen this place in other photos of yours and had a stronger impression from them. I do however agree that the long format suggest a river...
Robin W
{K:16308} 10/21/2005
This must have been an awesome sight to see!!! Beautiful sea of blue under the green. Very nice.
James Burnett
{K:370} 10/20/2005
Such a beautiful mix of colors, contrast & mood. Very Very Nice
Mark Sherman
{K:15669} 10/20/2005
After living in Texas for so long now, you forget that Bluebells grow outside of Texas. The light is beautiful and the blue, almost feels like a cool cool river.
Tony Smallman
{K:23858} 10/20/2005
This scene has a lot of potential but the photo lacks impact.Your photos usually have a strong and satisfying composition which,I feel, is missing here. Regards,Tony.
Kunal Mehta
{K:2496} 10/20/2005
Nice Panorama. I liked the constrast too.