Photographer: Joel Aron (Karma=14920)
Larkspur, CA USA
About: Please go here: http://www.joelaron.com
I am in the process of building a better online portfolio, so for now, please see all my latest images here:
March 20th, 2007
Portfolio: Frank Lloyd Wright
Portfolio Description: A series of images from the Marin Civic Center. Frank Lloyd Wright's largest, and final building. To this day, just renovated, stands as a working courthouse, jail, library, and work of art. Hidden in the hills of San Rafael California, 15 minutes north of the Golden Gate Bridge, and San Francisco. Because the of the building's size, and massive sweeping lines, it was the perfect setting for the feature films, "THX-1138", and more recently, "Gattica". Last year, the blue dome, and gold tower were restored, and painted to the color they were when the building was complete in 1957. Here is a link to the history of the building. If you find yourself in the San Francisco bay area, you owe it to yourself to get your camera, and visit this amazing building!
cheers, -Joel Aron
There are 7 images in 1 Pages