Photographer: Darlene Boucher (Karma=15739)
Lafayette, La US
About: I love to photograph nature, especially birds! I have two wonderful grandsons, Mason and Rune. I've taken "QUITE" a few snapshots of them, you'll see some of my favorites of the guys! Hope they don't bore you!! Most of my images are taken here in Louisiana. We have so much wildlife to see and shoot! I do venture out sometimes to Tucson, but that's where Runie lives and I spend most of my time just playing with him. Maybe one day when he is older I will go and explore the beautiful deserts there! I really like to share my photos with people who are nature lovers too. UF has helped me learn so much about photography but more importantly, it has helped me deal with other things not related to pictures and I thank all of you who have been there when I really needed a friend!
There are 67 images in 3 Pages
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