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Image Title:  Bridge
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 By: Stefan Engström  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Stefan Engström {Karma:24473}
Project N/A Camera Model no camera
Categories Abstracts
Film Format
Portfolio Refractions
Lens no lens
Uploaded 8/30/2004 Film / Memory Type Kodak Panalure M
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 670 Shutter 1s
Favorites Aperture f/1.0
Critiques 29 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Nashville
State -  TN
Country - United States   United States
About As I reaching the bottom of my box of 16x20 paper I am gearing up to show these somewhere in town. As part of preparing to do that I've put up this website:
Your feedback on this image and on what works and does not work on the website will be very much appreciated.
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There are 29 Comments in 1 Pages
Telmo Domingues   {K:9639} 9/28/2004
HIIIIIIIIIIIIII Stephan!!!!!!!!!!!
Marrie me! I love you!
Oh dearest friend! Only today I realized you have a site Of course I went there!
B E A U T Y F U L !!!!!!!!!!!!!
As you know, that "glassy stuff" is on of my passions in USEFILM... The opportunity of seeing all those photos toghether, in that white background... Damn, DAMN!!!! I'm not being nice... It's breathless!! I'm so damn sad that my English vocabulary is so limited...
The only thing I noticed that could be better is that idiea of following the link "Athena"... I didn?t realize what it meant 'till I saw the photo in USEFILM...
Are you going to make an exibition???? That's great!!!! I'm so happy for you! Keep in touch! Take some photos of it and share them with us!!!!!
Hugs and kisses!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(And don't you even think about marrie me! LOL ;-)))))))))))))
PS.: Sorry about this silly way of expressing myself but I'm really happy for you!!


zosia zija zosia zija   {K:11106} 9/13/2004
i like this. fine!


Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 9/13/2004
Hi Lucy thanks for sharing your thoughts. I've been trying go gague what is reasonable as well. Two things are a little different about these photos. Each print is essentially a negative and as such it is unique and cannot be printed again. This may be a good thing from the point of view of selling them, but it limits editions to one. On the other hand, I still have my "subjects" (pieces of glass), and with patience and luck I will always be able to go back into the darkroom and explore some more.


Lucy Bernadette   {K:5806} 9/11/2004
just took a look at your site. i like it. the stark quality works well with your photographs. i agree about the centering. regarding pricing, i've been wondering about this myself as someone has approached me to show my stuff. i've been looking at other photographers who show in exhibits, pubs, restaurants, shops etc and that's been giving me a rough idea. you might want to try that out.


Lucy Bernadette   {K:5806} 9/11/2004
bridge or kiss works for me. how about the kissing bridge? :) whatever you call it, it works on the same level as the others for me - great! i'll take a look at the website too.


b y   {K:2671} 9/5/2004
Hi Stefan, another exellent one! Really like this style (as so the people i showed these to)!

Regards - Ed


Phil M Phil M   {K:11526} 9/5/2004
Great work! :)


Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 9/3/2004
hair clog :-)


Jon O'Brien Jon O'Brien   {K:11321} 9/3/2004
"Stark and crisp" - I like that. I see a wind- and water-carved "badlands" landscape. Ummm... I hate to say this but it also looks a bit like a hair clog I pulled out of the sink drain. But in a very artistic way :-] ... Anyway - very cool.


Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 9/1/2004
Hi Michael - thanks for your comment. It is not ink, but just light striking the photographic paper. More details scattered about my portfolio in the other similar images in the "Refractions" category.


Patrick Jacobson   {K:29151} 9/1/2004
Very nice work! Its like a fishingnet or spiderweb.. of light! Like it alot!! Ill check out your website asswell. Thanks for commenting my picture =)


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 9/1/2004
Ahh, now i see what you ment by bridge.


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 9/1/2004
OR a landscape with a river in the middle.


Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 8/31/2004
Thank you for stopping by Verena - I did consider putting a box for direct feedback on the contact page, but my experience from other sites is that many will not enter a return address, making the contact less useful for me. By sending email one usually gets a valid return address too at no extra effort to the visitor.


Verena Rentrop Verena Rentrop   {K:15233} 8/31/2004
Hi Stefan,

strong homepage, are you able to install also a guestbook on the page?

I guess people would like to leave a comment directly on the page, what do you think?



Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 8/31/2004
Hi Steff - thanks for stopping by the website. I have no idea of how to price those prints, but it would be nice if I could make enough for a new camera :-) I try to practice self-sustaining hobbies!


Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 8/31/2004
Thank you very much Emy - I'm glad you appreciated the symbolism of Athena :-)


Tiro Leander   {K:19060} 8/31/2004
It's so very good this series....


emily savva   {K:21113} 8/31/2004
oh.. dear Stefan... another fine piece of original work from you... an abstract that floats in space with grace and inner rhythm... seems like fairy wings ready to fly to other worlds.... excellent once again.... kisses... emy

PS: i also took a look at your website my friend... striking elegant with a minimalistic approach of black & white... very classy and i love the idea of the hidden links within "Athena"... was that choise made on purpose???? i find it quite brilliant that you have to get within the Godess of Wisdom to find out where the rest of the images are... also their arrangement within the separate galleries was really nice... but i strongly believe that you should upload more of your work.... you don?t have a problem in finding suitable images... got so many!!!! really nice work... :-))))


Steff    {K:436} 8/31/2004
WOW! Absolut amazing! Your site works well for me, I like its simplicity. Very creative work and very experimental. Guess those artworks will fetch a really good price being original one-offs - if you are ready to part with it, that is. Hope to see more soon!


Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 8/30/2004
Thank you Hugo for the feedback. The idea with not labeling the naviagation bar on the left was to keep it as visual as possible - hence reducing text on the gallery pages to a minimum, but I do see your point. On the other hand it could be a fun discovery if the viewer does not bother to read the text on the front page. The centering was part of the plan but differences between how IE and Firefox render CSS forced this solution for now. You are absolutely right about filling in four and five...


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 8/30/2004
Hi Stefan, Well composed. I had a look at your website following your post in the forum, and it has a very slick look and feel. One suggestion is to show a faint hint at the navigational buttons without the need for hovering your mouse over the buttons. Nice and simple design. Also, I think centering the setup would make it more balanced on different screen resolutions. Last, I think I would fill pages four and five too before you "officially" launch it. You have enough suitable work, I'd say....:)

Very interesting "shot" too. The patterns create a strong feeling of texture and perspective.




Barry Wakelin   {K:7838} 8/30/2004
Another stunning image - it should sell!


Burak Tanriover Burak Tanriover   {K:16610} 8/30/2004
it looks very beautiful Stefan


Michael Kanemoto Michael Kanemoto   {K:22115} 8/30/2004
Athena, web, prehistoric, and this photograph appear to be the strongest compositions to my eye. Is this a drop of india ink in water?

Whatever the technique, these images are really graphically striking with a pure/black and white dynamic interaction.

FYI: The one word titles make the image - almost like a non-mirrored strandy Rorschach pattern.


[[dead account]]   {K:6692} 8/30/2004
I don't know what that is, but it's bloody gorgeous.


None    {K:3946} 8/30/2004
rock n roll, this is awesome, its stark and crisp... movement is killer


Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 8/30/2004
Thanks Fabio. Interesting - that is the association my wife had.


Fabio Keiner   {K:81109} 8/30/2004
so fine to see you posting again, stefan!
(could also be called 'the kiss'... of the dinosaurs




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