AJ Miller
{K:49168} 7/27/2005
Well spotted, Oguzhan! But you see, the weather was dull and grey in Warsaw, so I looked back at my old photos and found this one from Istanbul! Hope that makes sense... All the best, AJ
oguzhan erim
{K:2133} 7/27/2005
Same tramway as in my photo except colours (: Interesting distortion cause different style. But I think you wrote wrong information at about seciton as Warsaw in oreder to İstanbul.
Thanks for comments. Best Regards...
Irenka Daniluk
{K:8011} 2/26/2005
VEry interesting work..
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 2/17/2005
Fabulous work AJ, love the PS work on this :-)
Best wishes, Steve
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 2/14/2005
This would brighten up anyones grey day. Margaret Thank you for your comment
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 2/4/2005
Excellent Paint Job....AJ! Regards: Jeff.
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 2/3/2005
Fantasy and creative image, Saeed
Dorothy Di Liddo
{K:13787} 1/27/2005
really cool, looks like something the Beatles would have used on an album cover. Nice job. DOttie
Antonia BauerleinSehnert
{K:30599} 1/27/2005
This trolly belongs at Disneyland! A wonderful diversion...well seen. Antonia
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 1/26/2005
Hold on - are we talking Photo Shop or Paint Shop Pro? I'm using Paint Shop Pro 9, being a cheapskate amateur. PSP9 is way way way ahead of PSP4 that I used to use before and I believe rivals the latest version PS. AJ
andree lerat
{K:17476} 1/26/2005
Love what you did. How do you like PS 9. I am still using 5.5 (still in the dark ages:))
Marian Man
{K:80636} 1/24/2005
great results AJ!!!!!! like the colors a lot....very creative!!!! best regards Marian
Dirk Noort
{K:9683} 1/24/2005
Wow this is wild, very nicely done! Dirk.
{K:4753} 1/23/2005
Cok ilginc bir tramvay resmi olmus. Gercegini de bu renklere boyasalar cok enteresan olurdu bence. Tebrilkler.
Özlem Yaman
{K:871} 1/23/2005
you made a good job! i like it very much. çok güzel:)
Khaled Mursi Hammoud
{K:54005} 1/23/2005
I like the creativity and the idea but I find the contrast little bit over. Well done Miller, my regards, Khaled.
Roberto Bertone
{K:13239} 1/23/2005
Simpatica elaborazine!!! Compl.!
Un saluto.