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Image Title:  Carving
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 By: AJ Miller  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer AJ Miller  AJ Miller {Karma:49168}
Project #30 Water Camera Model Minolta A2
Categories Sports
Deep Blue
Film Format
Portfolio Windsurfing
Lens Minolta A2
Uploaded 10/10/2005 Film / Memory Type Digital ISO 100
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 633 Shutter 1/125
Favorites Aperture f/11
Critiques 16 Rating
/ 4 Ratings
Location City -  Tarifa
State - 
Country - Spain   Spain
About Over the last few months, several people who know that I chose to live in Tarifa mainly because of the perfect windsurfing conditions have commented that I have not uploaded any windsurfing photos. That?s because I hadn?t taken any. (Worse, there are already two images uploaded of those dreaded kitesurfers ? disgraceful!) So I have decided to take my camera to the beach and spend a bit of time after every session on the water trying to capture the action. This is a real sacrifice, since normal procedure is to finish the session with a beer, and boy does the first one taste good. But as long as the light is OK, the action is there, the sand and spray are not blowing above waist high (sand and sea water being not good for the camera?), I will give it a go.

This is one from last weekend. Don?t know who the guy is, and the style is not great, but he?s reasonably competent with his gybes. I?ve already learnt a lot from this first shoot ? certainly a faster shutter speed is called for. But I think this one is colourful enough and captures the action reasonably well. I?d prefer it if the guy was looking at me (which technically he really should be, rather than staring at his hands?), and the background makes Tarifa look like a big built up city, which it certainly is not.

Anyway, up this one goes, so you can see if I make any progress over the coming months!
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There are 16 Comments in 1 Pages
Jeff Cartwright   {K:52046} 10/17/2005
Exceptionally...Well Taken Action.....John!
...Composition!....and Image quality...!!!

Thank you, John!...for your Pleasing comment!!!


KEVIN TEMPLE   {K:8657} 10/17/2005
well done on this one john


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 10/13/2005
Thanks for your comment Art. I put this image up knowing it was in need of improvement. But that is the whole point - I want to learn! Don't worry, there are more macro abstracts on the way, but in the meantime please bear with me while I try to broaden my horizons a little.


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 10/13/2005
I believe it is a great action shot dear AJ!!!! fine composition and angle!!!! I like it!!!!!!
my best regards


vanessa shakesheff vanessa shakesheff   {K:68840} 10/12/2005
fab photo john,we both seem to be drawn to water.regards vanessa


Dr. Rafael Springmann Dr. Rafael Springmann   {K:89517} 10/12/2005
Although your not satisfied with this photo, to me, who gets sea-sick at the slightest ripple (not anymore, but almost, LOL) this photo looks rathere exciting. On the other hand, scolling down to George's comment and your reply, I may add that I did quite a few parachute jumps in the army as an MD and I can't compare the feeling to anything I've experienced since. I've even filmed myself on 8mm while gliding down. When I turned 40 and had my last jump, I remember saying to myself: Well, you've done this too. In your photo the angle, the colors and the spray all look good to me.
Thank you, John, for your generous comment on my "Sunrise over Aqaba."
Best regards,


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 10/12/2005
This series is really something to look forward to, John. And whatever technical considerations there are about this shot, it is a great start. I lost a good friend, co-owner of an ultralight aircraft, to wind surfing. He said that noisy smelly and bumpy rides through the air were NOTHING compared to the thrill of wind surfing. I still prefer flying a paraplane, where my bad sense of balance is no disadvantage...


Art McCaffrey Art McCaffrey   {K:23645} 10/11/2005
great action shot aj, but i think your talent is in the creative macro, so back to the lab & make a mess, more macro please, regards art,.


Nigel Watts.   {K:5236} 10/11/2005
Great photograph, looks like your previous picture in one way, almost the same angle


Larissa Nazarova Larissa Nazarova   {K:12118} 10/11/2005
Great composition, great shot, color!!!


S.D Holmes S.D Holmes   {K:7156} 10/11/2005
Its a tough life isn't it lol and maybe this isn't the best timemto tell you i'm planning on taking up kite ;)Good pic though, really does capture the essence though you're right, he does look a bit uncertain. A technical point, i noticed the pic is somewhat grainy which is surprising considering the low ISO but recently i've been using a programme ( neat image) to clean up my pics and it does wonders ( and we're talking serious noise on the concert pics)- just thought u might be interested



Sally Morgan Sally Morgan   {K:9219} 10/10/2005
It looks a tad noisy - but the composition, contrast and colours more than make up for it - I reckon you could 'open his eyes' with photoshop!
Actually, the more I look at it - I realise it's very uplifting - sea and sunshine - you're a lucky man!


Mohamed Banna Mohamed Banna   {K:34237} 10/10/2005
great shot
nice colors


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 10/10/2005
Hi George!

No, this is way down from skydiving (which I haven't tried) - I took up windsurfing as a safer alternative to hang gliding after an accident... And kitesurfing (sorry to even mention the words!) is for "unprintable" people among the windsurfing community. Nothing to do with the fact that I broke my collar bone when I tried kitesurfing, of course.

Here, I'm on the beach, using the built-in zoom lens of the A2. I was a bit surprised when I saw the uploaded version as it's gone a bit grainy, but as I imply in my "about", I'm on a mission with this subject!

(I'm just a bit afraid that windsurfing images will be too specific for UF and I'll get another UF downer - cf. my comment on yours)



George Black George Black   {K:102014} 10/10/2005
It certainly is a nice capture. Looks very exciting to someone who'll put this sport right up there with skydiving as things I wouldn't even consider trying. I love Spain, though! ;-) Whwere were you when you snapped this? A boat, the beach, or in the surf up to your armpits? Wonderful composition, by the way . . .



Galal El Missary   {K:84569} 10/10/2005
Great capture john , very nice composition & angle , Best regards .





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